The Enniskillen Chronicle & Erne Packet
February 12, 1824
Enniskillen, County Fermanagh

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  The Earl of Belmore
left Castlecoole on Friday last for Dublin, from whence he will shortly proceed to London, to attend his duties in Parliament.


  On the night of Friday last, a family named Jackson, consisting of four persons, in the mountain near Fivemiletown, were crushed to death by the falling in of their house.


  A report is in circulation that John Smith Barry, Esq. of Foaty, in the County of Cork, is to be called to the House of Peers, by the title of Earl Barrymore.


  Four Gentlemen in the Custom-house of this City received a notification to send in a statement of their past services, with a view to compensation.--Correspondent.


  It is believed that none but natives of England will in future be employed in the Administration of Revenues in Ireland.


Anacreontic Society.
  This Society, which holds its private concerts weekly during the winter, gave its first Public Concert this season at the Rotunda, on Monday last. On this occasion a brilliant assemblage of beauty and fashion graced the concert-room. The band of amateurs (the best in the country) attended in full strength, and gave to the music an effect which would delight the most cultivated audience. His Grace the Duke of Leinster performed on the double-bass; Major Cobbe, violencello; Captain Speedy, principal clarinet. Symphony, by Alday, commenced the concert, equal to any of Hayden’s [sic]. The finale, of the first act of Il Don Giovanni, which received the most rapturous applause, concluded the concert.--Dublin Evening Express.

   The election of a Member for Cavan, is fixed for the 23d instant, when Mr. Henry Maxwell, nephew to the present Lord Farnham, the late Member for that county, will be elected without opposition.


  We understand that Colonel Rochfort, the eldest son of the late Member for the County Westmeath, has been solicited to offer himself as a candidate to represent his native County in Parliament. The great family claims which this Gentleman possesses, the length of service of his father, his tried zeal in the public cause, and above all, his constitutional principles, which are hereditary, must ensure him sucess [sic].


  The Lord Chancellor has been pleased to appoint Nicholas Charles Whyte, Esq., of Scarva House, Loughbricland, a Magistrate for the counties of Down and Armagh.


  A Gentleman, high in the Excise Department in Dublin, is now under trial, on charges preferred by one lately dismissed from a subordinate situation.--Times.


Irish Court.
  His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, held the second Levee for the season at the Castle, on Monday. Among the distinguished company who attended, were--The Marquis of Caermarthen, 1-th Hussars; the Earl of Belmore, the Earl of Meath, the Earl of Enniskillen, the Earl of Mayo, the Earl of Charlemont, Lord Clarina, Lord Viscount Gort, Lord Dunsany, Lord Brandon, Lord Killeen, the Baron de Roebeck, the Bishop of Clogher, the Hon. Col. Creighton; the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin (Dr. Murray,) the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Tuam (Dr. Kelly), &c. &c. &c.

Submitted by ajk.

Bibliographical Reference:  The Enniskillen Chronicle, and Erne Packet, printed 12 February 1824 by E. Duffy, at Enniskillen, co. Fermanagh. Transcribed by Alison Kilpatrick, and posted to the IrelandOldNews web site, by permission of the British Library. 

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County Fermanagh

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