The Enniskillen Chronicle & Erne Packet
January 1, 1824
Enniskillen, County Fermanagh

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   On the 16th instant, in the Church of Kilmore, Mr. A. Little, of Castle-Caulfield, to Elizabeth, third daughter of John Langry, Esq., late of Belview, County of Armagh.


On Friday the 20th instant, of a rapid decline, which he bore with christian fortitude, beloved, esteemed and deeply regretted by all his relatives and friends, Mr. Josias Johnston, Merchant, Ballyshannon.
   On Friday morning, in Sligo, at an advanced age, Ignatius Everard, Esq.
   On the 10th instant, Mr. John Fuller Johnston, Watch-maker and Jeweller, of Parliament-street, Dublin, in the 33d year of his age.


  PURSUANT to the order of his Majesty's Court of Exchequer in Ireland in this cause, bearing date the 3d day of December, 1823, I will, on Monday the 26th day of January next at twelve o'clock at noon, at my Chambers on the Inns-Quay, Dublin, set up and let by Public Cant to the highest and fairest bidder, for three years pending this cause from the first day of November last, all that part of the Lands of NICORA otherwise COTTAGE, and the PLANTATION or BOG FIELD, formerly in the possession of the Rev. PHILIP MAGAURAN, and now in the possession of WM. STORY, situate in the county of Fermanagh, and in the said order mentioned.
--Dated 11th December, 1823.
  A. R. BLAKE, C. R.
  The above premises are immediately contiguous to the Town of Swanlinbar.
   --- For particulars apply to JOE BRADSHAW, Plaintiff's Attorney, 81 Dorset street, or Mr. ROBERT STORY, the Receiver, 35, Beresford-street, Dublin.


EUROPEAN Life Assurance and Annuity Company Of London
THE Directors of the above Company, to enable all descriptions of persons to avail themselves of the inestimable advantages resulting from Life Insurance, have had Tables calculated, whereby premiums may be paid Quarterly, Half-yearly, or Annually, at the option of the Insured.
   In addition to the above advantage, the reduced rate of Premium required at this Office acts as an Annual Bonus to the Insured, with the prospect of a liberal addition to their policies, or a further reduction of the premium periodically.
   Dublin--J. K. JOHNSTON, 1, Eden Quay.
   Carlow--WM. MAHARG.
   Loughrea--JOHN FAHY.
      Agent for Enniskillen and Neighbourhood,
Of Whom Prospectuses may be had gratis.


ALMANACKS for 1824.
E. DUFFY respectfully informs his friends that he has on sale such DUBLIN ALMANACKS as are already published, and will be supplied, as usual, with the different other ALMANACKS and DIRECTORIES in course of a few days.
   His Stock of English and Irish WRITING PAPERS and STATIONERY is extensive, and will be found extremely moderate in price, particularly to those who purchase by the ream.--Prayer Books, Bibles and Children's Books in great variety--School and Classical Books of all kinds--Reviews and other new works of merit as soon as published--Merchants' and Workmen's Account Books of every description.
   To Gentlemen who have Libraries to repair of books to bind, he begs to state, that having in his employment some of the finest workmen in the Kingdom, he is enabled to execute all commands in that department in the best modern style.
   PRINTING WORK of every description done with taste and expedition.


In the Matter of MARIA AIKENS, an Insolvent Debtor.
     THE Creditors of the said Insolvent are requested to meet the Assignee, at Mr. Kernaghan's Hotel, in the town of Enniskillen, on FRIDAY, 2d JANUARY next, at the Hour of One o'clock in the Afternoon, to take into consideration the state of Insolvent's affairs, and the best mode of proceeding in the disposal of Insolvent's Estate and Effects, and other special matters relating to said Insolvent's property.
  Dated this 26th Dec., 1823.
Attorney for said Assignee, 96, Capel-street.


FOR THE ASSURING OF HOUSES, GOODS, &c. FROM FIRE; SHIPS MERCHANDIZE, &c. FROM THE PERILS OF THE SEA ; LIVES ; and for the purchasing and granting of Annuities.
Principal Office--No. 3, College-Green, Dublin.
   Nathaniel Callwell,
   James Connolly,
   Richard Connery,
   James Ferrier,
   Benjamin Guinness,
   Stephen Greham,
   John Hone,
   Wm. Humphreys,
   Daniel Kinahan,
   James Digges Latouche,
   Peter A. Leslie,
   Wm. P. Lunell,
   John O'Brien,
   Thomas Pim,
   George Roe,
   John Todhunter,
   Thomas Wilson,
   Andrew Vance, Esqrs.
By Order, WM. L. DARLING, Sec.
   Mr. JOHN HARRISSON, Belfast.
   Messrs. PEEBLES and KINLEY, Dungannon and Armagh.
   Mr. WILLIAM ROWAN, Downpatrick.
   Mr. THOMAS KERNAHAN, Enniskillen.
   Messrs. A. SCHOALES, M'CLINTOCK, & Co., Londonderry.
   Messrs. CORRY and LITTLE, Newry.


Approved Family Medicines,
(Adapted to the present Season,)
EDWARD DUFF, Enniskillen.Messrs. THOMPSON, Ballyshannon ; BOLTON, Sligo, BROMEL, Boyle; KELLY, Castlereagh ; CASSEREL, Roscommon ; CROSBY, Carrick ; M'CLELLAND, Longford ; DOWNES, Cavan ; CALDWELL, Omagh.


   A correspondent informs us that a shocking outrage was committed early on the morning of Wednesday the 24th instant, by a number of armed persons, who had assembled near Rossinver, county of Leitrim, between Garrison and Manorhamilton, for the purpose of taking the Salmon going up the river to spawn. The party, it ap- pears, besides being armed with firelocks, had a drum and fife with them. The dreadful result was the killing of ----- M'Nulty, a water-keeper to Mr. Cassidy, to whom the fishery belongs.-- As an inquest has been held, and as some of the magistrates of the neighbourhood have been on the spot, we hope soon to hear of active measures being adopted to discover the villains concerned, and to put down this lawless banditti. This not being a solitary instance of murder on a like occasion, every exertion should be made to prevent persons having arms in their possession who are not legally authorised, a circumstance, we understandt [sic], too common thereabouts. Our correspondent adds, that some of the arms were said to be lent on the above occasion, by persons intrusted with them for far different purposes. It is hoped, should such be the case, that due punishment may await them ; as an armed force of the description above stated, may not always confine their excesses to the shooting of a water-keeper, or the depredation on a salmon fishery.


   A violent assault was committed on Tuesday last, by a man named Monaghan, on Mr. Robert Irvine of Stoneville, near this town. They had some altercation, it appears, about a money transaction, when Monaghan struck Mr. Irvine a violent blow with a spade, and it is supposed, fractured his scull. Mr. Irvine is still living, but in a very precarious state.


   An industrious dealing man named Hunter, known to possess some wealth, was waylaid and attacked on his return from the market of Fivemiletown last week, and fled for refuge to the house of Captain Taylor of Cranbrook. Having deposited what money he had about him with Mr. Taylor, and delayed for some time, until it was supposed the party had retreated, he set out again, escorted down the avenue by young Mr. Taylor, and a servant man, but had not proceeded far when he was again attacked, and abused.-- Examinations have been lodged against a person named Cooke, and others, for the assault.


   On Monday night a Turf-stack belonging to Mr. William Armstrong of Coolcran near Tempo, was set fire to by some vile incendiary, but fortunately discovered before any considerable damage was sustained. Another Turf-stack in the same quarter, was also set on fire and consumed.
   On the same night, several stacks of corn, the property of persons named Arm-strong and M'Manus also residing in the neighbourhood of Tempo, were thrown down and scattered. Similar outrages have been committed in that quarter before, which altogether demand the most strenuous exertions of the magistracy to detect and punish.


   A young man named Gilmartin, a pauper, who was severely affected with epilepsy, was found dead on Saturday last, within a few miles of this town, on the road leading to Belturbet. It is supposed the poor creature perished from cold in a paroxism of the disease.


   On Monday last, a Special Vestry was held in the Church of Rossorry, for the purpose of taking into consideration a composition for tithe. SAMUEL GAMBLE, Esq., being called to the Chair, the Incumbent, the Rev. ALEXANDER AUCHINLECK, produced his books, when an average from November 1814 to November 1821 was readily struck. This sum, amounting to about £260, was proposed by the Incumbent to be taken as a com- position, and was unanimously adopted. The Vestry proposed adding receiver's fees, but this the Incumbent declined, alledging that he had always acted as agent himself, and would continue to do so without fee or reward. The necessary arrangements for applotting, &c. being made, the parties separated equally gratified by the kindness and cordiality which subsisted on the occasion.--The laudable desire of the Rector to meet the wishes of his parishioners, and the disinterestedness of the Chairman in submitting to an additional impost, for the purpose, as he generously stated, of relieving the poorer classes, were highly honourable to both, and obtained the approbation of all present, as they must of every good man in society.


Submitted by ajk.

Bibliographical Reference:  The Enniskillen Chronicle, and Erne Packet, printed 1 January 1824 by E. Duffy, at Enniskillen, co. Fermanagh. Transcribed by Alison Kilpatrick, and posted to the IrelandOldNews web site, by permission of the British Library.

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County Fermanagh

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