Irish Catholic Chronicle
Dublin, Ireland
Saturday, 14th September 1867


     Mrs. M'Auley appeared on summons issued by
Messrs. Webb and Noonan, Clerks of the Markets, for
having, as alleged, sold to Mrs. Mary Nolan a loaf of
bread deficient in weight, contrary to the statute.
     Catherine Madden, an assistant in Mrs. M'Auley's
shop, said that it was a cottage loaf, which should not
be of the weight of the ordinary loaf.
     The Lord Mayor said it appeared to him, from the
testimony of the defendant's own witness, that the
act was evaded. No one purchasing this loaf would
suppose from its appearance that it was other than an
ordinary household loaf. He had heard the case with
great care, and he believed it was one which con-
cerned the public. He considered that it was an
evasion of the act to call this loaf fancy bread, and
that the case before him was one which, if the defend-
ant wished to appeal, might be decided by a higher
court. He was clearly of the opinion that the bread was
not sold by weight, and that it did not come within
the provision of the act regulating the sale of fancy
bread. He wished to give the defendant an opportu-
nity of appealing, and therefore he would inflict a
fine of 21s. He would not inflict so high a penalty but
for the purpose of enabling the defendant to appeal if
she thought proper.
     Mr. Curran said he wished to know under what
power the Lord Mayor acted, as the question of juris-
diction might be raised on appeal.
     The Lord Mayor said that he acted under the an-
cient charters and statuable rights of the Lord Mayor
of Dublin, and that he had full power over  the assize,
and sale and weight of bread as clerk of the markets,
and it was his duty, acting as Lord Mayor, to enforce
the observance of the statutes of the realm touching
all commodities bought and sold in the city of Dublin,
and he would continue to do so as long as he filled
that office. It was, in truth, the highest and first
duty of the Lord Mayor to act as clerk of the markets,
and whatever conduced to the protection of those classes
of the community who were least able to protect them-
selves would find him an impartial defender, though
he only regretted he was not able to do so more com-
pletely that during his year of office he had done.


     The parish of Kilternan, county Dublin, has lately
witnessed as atrocious a piece of ruffianism as any that
have been recorded for some time. An English family
residing here, who are held in the highest respect and
esteem by all who know them, recently sustained a
most trying bereavement in the early death of a dearly
loved young daughter. They laid the remains of the
child in the parish burial ground, and over them,
placed an "in memoriam" slab, with a simple cross
carved on it. Hereupon, some of the Protestants found
that their consciences were aggrieved by their religion
endangered by such downright Popery. They called
upon the deservedly popular and respected rector to
have the offensive slab removed, and, on his declining
to do any such thing, they positively went with hammer
and chisel secretly, smashed out the cross, and flung
the fragments into the garden of the sorrowing parent!
It is only just to add that the sacrilegious outrage has
provoked the sternest indignation amongst all well-
minded people in the district. In the same locality, it
will be remembered, the same "religious" sentiment
lately smashed Lady Monk's stained glass memorial
windows in Lord Powerscourt's church.--Freeman.

     Mr. J. Neal M'Kenna, M.P., Youghal, has
received the honour of knighthood, but the item in
which the news was contained did not tell us how he
merited the honour. Mr. M'Kenna is a good man,
and he has persistently voted with the government
throughout the session, wherever this division involved
the success or failure of any scheme of theirs; but when
a Catholic receives honour from a Tory Government,
we always like to have the fullest possible information
on the subject.--Northern Press.

Irish Catholic Chronicle, And People's News of the Week
Dublin, Ireland
Saturday, 21st September 1867


     During his long and honoured life he took a most prominent part in public affairs, and, indeed, for the past half-century his life was one long course of mental activity. He retired from Chief Justiceship of the Queen's Bench when appointed Lord Chancellor, which office he held but a short time. He was, on the creation of the office, appointed Lord Justice of Appeal, and on the accession of Lord Derby to office he was, for the second time, appointed Lord Chancellor, which high office he resigned in the spring of the year in consequence of declining health. For the short period he filled the office for the second time, he displayed all those great qualities for which he was distinguished in his mature years. In a recent brief notice of his career we observed that he was one of a great race of lawyers, who, like the Irish wolf dog, are now almost extinct. As an equity lawyer, he occupied a position not inferior to that of Pennefather, Warren, Sir Michael O'Loghlen, and a long list of other distinguished equity lawyers. He was called to the bar in 1806, and soon acquired a large and lucrative practice. We need not enter into the various steps of his promotion, but it may be interesting to know how Mr. Blackburne conducted himself in the trials for offences under the Insurrection Act, in the first administration of the Marquis of Wellesley. The office was a repulsive one, and though there was a cry of "no mercy" then, as there is now, he disregarded it, and discharged his duty without undue severity. While urging the necessity of repressing disorder, he did not fail to impress the gentry with the necessity of curbing their passions, and dealing mercifully and kindly with the people. "I am enabled," said he, "from my observations, to state that the national character contains many elements of good. They are a generous and high-minded people-kind, affectionate, and warm-hearted-docile to power and obedient to authority, unless led away by extraneous causes. They are disorderly and revengeful, but that arises from their quick sensibility to justice. It is among your permanent duties as landlords and magistrates to cultivate and foster to maturity so much imperfect excellence. You have it in your power-God grant you may exercise it to your own safety and the happiness and tranquility of those whom Providence has committed to your care." At his suggestion, one of the most notorious of the magistrates was deprived of the commission of the peace. He twice filled the office of Attorney-General and Lord Chancellor. He was also Lord Chief Justice, Master of the Rolls, and Lord Justice of Appeal, a series of dignities never before filled by any member of the bar. His social acquirements contributed to the esteem in which he was held by a large circle of admiring friends. His taste for music was exquisite. In his more youthful days he sang with a sweetness and a pathos which Moore said gave an additional charm to the Irish melodies. His knowledge of the arts was varied and extensive; in fact, if we were to look around for the model of an Irish gentleman we know none whom we should prefer to Francis Blackburne. He died at his country seat, Rathfarnham Castle, surrounded by his immediate relatives; and with Francis Blackburne, with the exception of the ex-Chief Justice, has passed away the last of a race of lawyers and advocates unsurpassed by any bar in the world. He was born in 1782, entered Trinity College in 1798, called to the bar, 1805.--Freeman.

     The celebrated siege of Limerick occurred in the year 1699, at which time William was repulsed with considerable loss by the brave and unflinching determination of Sarsfield's soldiers. Two remarkable instances, here depicted from the "Green Book," are well calculated to shine the character and instinct of the combatants.: 'After driving the English from the breach, a portion of the Irish garrison entered the English camp in their turn, and , 'in the confusion', says Dolrymple, 'the English hospital having by accident taken fire; part of the victorious Irish stopped the pursuit and rushing into the flames to quench them, saved the lives of their enemies at the hazard of their own.' The other circumstance is that of the memorable self devotion of the women of Limerick who, after the English had beaten the men from their post, drove them back to the combat, boldly stood in the breach, even nearer to the English soldiers than the men of the garrison, and for nearly three hours, contributed to assail the enemy so vigourously with stones, bullets and ever-attainable missile, that to this splendid exertion of classic antiquity, King William's own historian mainly attributes the triumphant expulsion of the besiegers from the city.
     "The MAN that is not moved with what he reads,
     That takes not fire at such heroic deeds,
     Unworthy of the blessings of the brave.
     Is base in kind, and born to be a slave!'"
     In one of the old numbers of the "Celt" also occurs a masterly and well written lyric on the same subject, that will well pay the trouble of a perusal.

Special Telegram
     Manchester, Wednesday Night.

     A well-organized attack was made upon the police van which was conveying Colonel Kelly and Captain Deasy from the court after their remand, back to the gaol outside the city.
     The van was guarded by about a dozen policemen without fire-arms, and on the Hyde road the van was stopped by about fifty men, under command of O'Meara Allen, a well-known Fenian.
     Half of these men had loaded revolvers. They shot the horses, killed one of the police, named Bret, and drove the others off the van, while the armed party kept off the police and crowd, who tried to stop the attack.
     The others, with axes, hammers, and stones, smashed the van, and rescued the prisoners.
     They have not been re-captured.
     Allen and twenty-two other of the assailants were in custody by midnight.
     The military are guarding them in the Central Police Station.
     Several persons were wounded during the attack on the police van.
     Will the ruling classes ever learn wisdom and become, ere it is too late, convinced of the great social truth, that a people cannot with impunity be always crushed down by bad laws, and denied redress by an unsympathizing Government? Even in the ruling country the power of the Government or the vigilance of its officers, or the fidelity of its police, seems unable to cope with the organization.--Freeman.

    Banagher, September Fair-Monday- The supply on the fair green this morning was at least one-third short of what I have seen exhibited on former occasions, and from the superabundant supply of sheep in the country, purchasers at the leading fairs in the kingdom, not being able to realize anything like the profits, they calculated on, and being obliged to hold over the supplies they had on hands, were not as numerous as was expected. Sheep were at least from 12s. to 15s. under last year's prices, and one -third were driven home unsold. The Messrs. Kenny, of Lismore Castle, Lismore House, and Abbeyland, exhibited 3,000, the greater part of which they disposed of, but at the general reduction of prices. Mr. Thomas Hynes, of Fahey, showed 800 and sold the greater part thereof at the general average of the fair. The general prices may be quoted thus:- three years old wedders 40s.; two years old, do., 35s to 40s.; hoggets, from 30s to 35s.; two years old ewes, 26s to 40s.; lambs, which were very slow in demand, from 12s to £1. Under such circumstances, how can the exorbitant prices of the Dublin meat markets be crutched up? Of 15,000 sheep offered for sale there were but 8,000 disposed of!
     The following quotations will be a correct average of sales-wedders, 44s. 6d., 45s, 6d., 43; ewes, 41s., 38s., 31s., 40s., 29s.; lambs, 19s, 21s, 23s.. It was a matter of considerable discussion during the day why the Dublin butchers charge the public such excessive prices for mutton, when fat sheep are selling as low as 4 1/2d. per lb. in our principal fairs. --Correspondent of Saunders.

SIR- I was much surprised to find on my return to Dublin, after an absence of three months, that the butchers continue to exact the same high prices for meat that they charged during the winter and spring months, notwithstanding the great reduction in the price of sheep at all the late fairs. I find it stated in the Irish Times of this morning that the best description of mutton at the present fair of Banagher did not realize more than 5d per lb.; and that "butchers in the metropolis can scarcely disregard this fact, and in practice should at once reduce their present high rate of charges." I hope they will see the necessity of doing so; if not, that the press and the public will take the matter up and compel them.- I am your obedient servant.
     PATER FAMILIAS. 17th September, 1867.

     If the press does its duty honestly, the gross combination of grower, salesmaster and butcher must give way, and the poor of our city be relieved from the infamous wrong to which they have been so long subjected, an which has been upheld by acts little short of those of Broadbent. We are old enough to remember the public punishment awarded to a Camden-st. butcher for combining with the lowest swabs to uphold a system that had the effect of depriving the children of the poor tradesmen of that sustenance that God had designed for them. That combination has reached such a height as to send its representatives into our city assembly-to induce that assembly to build it an extensive market; and at this moment its endeavour is to obtain an act of parliament to bar the possibility of competition. This vile system has been held up to odium by the London and Dublin press, beginning with the London Times. It has also been warred with by bold and capable men who commenced business independent of the ramifications of the exclusive market.- bought their cattle at the country fairs and slaughtered them in Dublin; but the public soon lost the benefit of all such, for some Broadbent power stayed all the action of the independent butcher, and the press by some means was silenced. The people are the sufferers, and the poorer they are the more severe the privation.
     'Tis the last of the old combinations and being in so essential an article of food as flesh meat, 'tis the basest and the worst. If a man require an article of dress, furniture, &c., he can, if his shopping do not please him, defer the purchases to another day; but not so with the leg of mutton, or more humble joint. Hence the advantage being taken by the combined retailers, who are in conclave with those who can "make a market" to order, keep back the stock from being sent in, and thus "support prices."-but they cannot as yet rule the country fairs.

Irish Catholic Chronicle
And People's News of the Week
Dublin, Ireland
Saturday, 28th September 1867

     THE TRADES' UNIONS- The Times, in a leader on the despotism and violence of the Trades' Unions, says the public will inquire with some anxiety how these revelations are regarded by the working men in general. It may seem that the masters are wanting in resolution and do not stand by the non-union men, who serve them with sufficient spirit. It must, however, be allowed that the contest is one which it is very hard to sustain. A reign of terrorism is always more or less successful, and it is what the unions have established. The ferocity and cruelty of the penalties by which they enforce their laws are even more conspicuous than at Sheffield. Which side will the working men in general take in such a dispute-that of freedom or that of despotism of their own class. The issue before us is daily narrowing, and the unions will soon have to declare themselves.

     A SERIOUS QUARREL- Mr. Allen, police magistrate, attended at Mercer's Hospital on Tuesday evening, to take the depositions of Laurance Sherry, who is lying in a very precarious state from the effects of a blow inflicted on him on the 19th inst. by James Wall, a fellow-workman, in a forge in South Anne-street. Sherry deposed as follows: "On the 19th instant Wall and I were quarrelling; I hit him a slap on the face with my open hand; he then stooped down and took up a piece of iron; another man and I took hold of him and shook the iron out of his hand. Some time after he began calling me names; I went over towards him, and whether I struck him with my hands or elbow I don't know; he then took up a sledge and struck me on the left side."  To Mr. Williams Chief Clerk, "The name of the man who was along with me is Purcell. The Prisoner being asked whether he had any questions to ask the informant, said, "He struck me first." Mr. Williams (to Sherry), "Did you strike him before he struck the blow?" Sherry: " I only struck him once." Prisoner then stooped down, opened the eyes of the dying man, and addressing him appealingly, said: "Will you forgive me?" Sherry replied, "It is not the first time you raised a weapon to me." When the usual intimation was made to Sherry that he was bound to prosecute, he said, "I will leave that to somebody else." Mr. Allen then signed a committal, and the prisoner was sent to Richmond bridewell.

     Waterford, Sept. 25- Last evening-at 9 p.m., as the Camilla steamer, plying between this port and Liverpool, came in view, a strong body of the city police, heavily armed, awaited her arrival. A diligent search was made on board for Colonel Kelly and Captain Deasy, lately rescued from the Manchester police, and for any other fugitive suspect of having taken part in the rescue. The search proved ineffectual.

     Limerick, Wednesday.- A large case of first-class firearms, consisting of all kinds of revolvers, from double to six-barrel, chambers, with pistols, and several single and double-barreled guns, was discovered last evening, having been brought from the railway to the concerns of Messrs. J. and T. Norton, general commission merchants, Bedford-row, in this city, through mistake of the address, which was "M Morton and Sons, gunmakers, Limerick." There being no such persons in trade or known here, Mr. Norton thought it might have been an error of misdirection, and accordingly had the case opened and examined, when the contents were found to be as above described. The case and its contents was forwarded to the constabulary barracks, where it is now in said keeping of the authorities.

     Limerick, Monday- A serious riot took place here on Saturday night and has resulted in the wounding of five persons, two of whom are dangerously injured, and are no lying in Barrington's Hospital.
     The cause of the ill feeling between the men of the 74th Highlanders, stationed in this garrison, and the populace is said to have arisen from the use of party ?ressions by the privates of the 74th when going to ?ew barrack at night.
     On Saturday last a youth about eighteen, named Meehan, was sent to gaol for a fortnight for an attack on two soldiers on Friday night when on the way to barracks, and when the soldiers had left the courthouse they were hooted by a mob. It is this affair which is believed to have given rise to the circumstance that a party of about twenty-five of the 74th, without any provocation, on Saturday night about nine o'clock, rushed out of the Castle barrack some of them carrying their bayonets, and others with the iron legs of their stretcher beds concealed under their watch coats, and attacked several persons in Nicholas street, Bridge-street, Tea-lane, Thomond-gate, George's-quay, and other parts of the English-town, and in Tea-lane they wrecked the shop of a man named Connery. They followed two men into the house of a publican named Barry, corner of Bridge-street, one of which they stabbed. The result is as above, that five persons were wounded. An old man named William Lahive is in very bad state from a serious scalp wound on the head. Another, John Werner, received a scalp wound and also a bayonet wound in the leg, and three parties assert that they were without cause attacked and beaten by soldiers of the 74th Highlanders, armed with iron bars like the legs of stretcher beds or cross bars, but are unable to identify their assailants. Three other parties, named Edmond Keating, Richard Johnson and Thomas Childerhorne, cork cutter, received bayonet wounds.
     On yesterday morning the riot of the previous night was nearly being renewed. There were two privates of the 74th who had been out all night, and they were attacked near Rutland-street by some of the populace who believed them to belong to the riotous party and gave them chase The soldiers ran up Patrick-street, and seeing that a detachment of their regiment was under the command of an officer proceeding to the Presbyterian Meeting-house at Baker-place, they ran towards them and shouted for assistance. The rere men of the detachment turned around, drew their bayonets, broke from the ranks and rushed down Patrick-street into Rutland-street, and some into Denmark-street, the people flying before them, and it was by a great deal of difficulty the men were got back to their ranks, and marched back to barracks instead of to meeting. In consequence of what had occurred all the men of the 74th Highlanders were confined to barracks yesterday and last night, and are still kept within as I write.--Irish Times.

     A barbarous and cruel murder was committed under circumstances the most revolting, at the Newcastle race-course, on Wednesday night about the hour of 9 o'clock p.m. after the people had dispersed off the course, by a man named Michael Mullins, a native of Galway, and  who belongs to an itinerant gang, who go from mee4ting to meeting and live by the game called 'Aunt Sally,' the victim being his own daughter, a child about two years of age. The unnatural monster was detected in the act by Constable Andrew Molloy and Sub-Constable Mark Patterson, of the Drumbana station, who happened to be passing convenient to the place, when their attention was attracted by a noise, which at first they thought was that of a person striking his coat against the ground. Constable Molloy then crossed the wall, and went in the direction from whence the sounds proceeded, and on approaching the scene, heard the moans of the helpless child and saw the inhuman father raise up the body and dash it against the ground. The constable shouted to the monster to desist, and lost no time in reaching the spot, and seized Mullins, who was armed with a large clasped knife which he held open in his hand. On examining the body of the victim he found her breathing her last breath. The left arm was broken in several places, the shoulder dislocated, and both legs cut below the knees where the brute attempted to sever them from the body, and other wounds were inflicted on her person as if with a knife. Constable Molloy immediately had Mullins conveyed to the Kilmurry police barrack where the dead body of his little girl was also removed to await an inquest. We understand Mullins was in a state of drunkenness at the time, and that he spent fifteen years in penal servitude for some previous violence. The coroner's jury found a case of wilful murder against the prisoner.

THE LATE ACCIDENT AT BRAY Head.- James Donnelly, one of the injured persons at the recent railway accident and who left the Loughlinstown workhouse a few days since, died on Sunday  morning last at this residence near Gorey, county Wexford.

     It is no wonder that the poor should have, as they have, a horror of the workhouse, and that they prefer to beg and starve on the highway rather than accept an asylum which is more like a prison than a benevolent institution, with this exception, that the criminals are better fed than the honest poor, whose downfall in life has driven them to seek shelter within the gloomy walls of an Irish workhouse. In the Dundalk jail new milk of best quality is contracted for, and no buttermilk is taken, and surely the crimeless poor, whose only offence is that they have the misfortune to be destitute, should not receive an inferior description of diet to that given to the criminal classes. The substituting of sweetened milk for buttermilk, which has no nutritious properties, would be a very trifling additional expense, which would probably be met by lowering the number of the inmates who require the more expensive dietary allowed in hospital. We perceive on a total number of 244 in the Dundalk workhouse 33 are in hospital, whose cost of living is three shillings and two pence half penny per week, whilst the cost of the healthy inmate is only two shillings and sevenpence. We notice from time to time that guardians make personal inspections of the workhouses, but we look to their visits as matter of form. The stereotyped phrases of "found the house clean and orderly-provisions good," and similar remarks are all bosh. Some people-
              "Like to see their names in print-
               A book's a book although there's nothing in't."
                                            -----Dundalk Express.


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