The Coleraine Chronicle
April 13, 1844
Coleraine, County Derry

   COLERAINE SACRED VOCAL SOCIETY.---A Soiree of this Society (confined to a limited number) took place in the Town Hall, on Thursday last, for the purpose of presenting an address and other marks of regard to the President of the Society, Mr. Saml. Caskey. Rev. W. S. Eccles in the Chair. The address (for which see our advertising column), was presented by the late Secretary, Mr. G. V. Robinson. Altogether the Meeting was a most agreeable one.


   The Commissioners of the Borough met on Wednesday last for the purpose of electing a Commissioner in the room of S. C. Bruce, Esq., when R. Huston, Esq., sen., was declared unanimously elected by the Deputy Chairman, Mr. J. B. M'Grotty.


   WE see, by an advertisement in the Vindicator, that a Meeting of the friends of this reverend gentleman was held in Belfast, on the 21st ult., for the purpose of making arrangements for the presentation of a testimonial to him, on leaving his congregation for the purpose of settling among us as Parish Priest of Coleraine. From what we have seen and heard of Mr. Kearney, we believe it well deserved, and have no doubt our Roman Catholic fellow-townsmen will have reason to congratulate themselves on being brought within the sphere of his ministry. We are always gratified to see a feeling of affection subsisting between a pastor and his people, as well as a spirit of kindness and charity between Christians of different denominations.


   A VERY large meeting was held in the Rev. Dr. BROWN'S meeting-house, on Monday, at two o'clock, on the Marriage question, R. HAZLETT, Esq., J. P., Bovagh, in the chair. Owing to the long report of the Coleraine meeting on that subject, which we have only inserted at this distance of time, at the request of a large number of subscribers, we are obliged to omit a full report of this meeting.

  CONSECRATION.--We understand that the newly erected Episcopal Church at Ballyclug, two miles distant from Ballymena, will be consecrated by the Lord Bishop of Down and Connor and Dromore, on Tuesday next, the 16th instant. A very numerous attendance of the Clergy and Gentry of this district is expected upon the occasion.
  IN our Advertising columns will be found an Address to Mr. Barr, of this town. The presenting of a testimonial so valuable, and from so respectable a source, does honour to both the givers and receiver.

   BUTTER AND FLAX.---A meeting, convened by George Macartney, Esq., D.L., Lissanore-Castle, was held in the Town-Hall, Ballymoney, on Monday last, at two o'clock. The resolutions in reference to the Butter Market will be found in our advertising columns. After that portion of the business was discussed, the subject of Hand-scutching and Flax Improvement was gone into by Mr. Macartney and Mr. Miller, who impressed upon the minds of those assembled, the vast loss they were sustaining by not growing their own seed, and by the want of proper treatment of the Flax inn the scutching. This statement was borne out by Mr. Hopkins and others.
   A subscription list, which had been opened for the Butter Market, was then produced, and was well filled previous to the Meeting breaking up.

   WESLEYAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY.---The Annual Meeting of this Branch of the Society was held in the Preaching-house, on Thursday, the 4th inst.--Rev. Mr. M'Dowell in the chair. The meeting was addressed by the Rev. Messrs. Bailey and Jones. A liberal collection was taken up.
   The Easter fair of Ballycastle was held on Tuesday last. Prices were rather backward for pigs. Horses went off well.

   A very large Meeting in reference to the Marriage Question was held here on Wednesday last. The Rev. Mr. Hamill in the Chair. Petitions to Parliament were adopted at the Meeting.
   We insert the following communication by request :---
   BUSHMILLS FARMING SOCIETY.---The annual Ploughing-Match of the Society came off on Wednesday, the 6th March, and was as usual most numerously attended. At a given signal, fifteen well-appointed ploughs started, and commenced the labours of the day in a manner highly creditable to the skill of the different competitors as ploughmen. The whole of the lots were finished in a most workmanlike manner. Indeed, so close was the competition, that the judges, Mr. Moore, of Pullans, Mr. Paul of Coleraine, and Mr. Doey, of Ballylough, found it very difficult to distribute the Premiums, which, after a most minute inspection of the different lots, were awarded as follows :---
   FIRST PRIZE,---The Massive Silver Cup presented to the Society by its late worthy President, Sir Francis Workman Macnaughten, Bart., Samuel Stewart, Ballytibbert. This being the third time it was won by Mr. Stewart, it consequently becomes his property.
   SECOND PRIZE.---Mr. James Darragh, Ballyliney.
   THIRD PRIZE.---Sir Edmund W. Macnaghten, Bart. Plough held by Andrew Dinsmoor.
   FOURTH PRIZE.---Charles Douglas, Esq. Plough held by his servant.
   FIFTH PRIZE.---Mr. Charles Pollock, of Bellallaght.
   SIXTH PRIZE.---Mr. JOHN GIVEN, of Lisconnon. Plough held by his servant.
   The show of grain, flax, and fine yarn, was also held at the Market-place, Bushmills, same day, when the different Prizes were awarded as follows :---
   Best Lot of Seed Oats, Mr. Hugh M'Aleese.
   Second do. Mr. Robert Cargill.
   Best Lot Blantyre do. Rev. James Morewood,
   Best Lot of Bere Mr. James Scally.
   Second do. Mr. John Dixon.
   Best Lot dressed Flax, Mr. Robert Cargill.
   Second do. Mr. Alexander Darragh.
   Best 2 spangles Yarn, Mr. J, Given, Lisconnon.
   Second do. Mary Logan.
   Third do. Mary Morrison.
The samples of fine Yarn showed a most decided improvement in spinning, that obtaining the first Prize bein 28 hanks, or 7 spangles, from the pound of Flax. It is said to be worth 6 shillings the spangle. realizing for the single pound of Flax, £2 2s. The above is respectfully submitted to the notice of Farming Societies and Landlords in general, as worthy of encouragement.
   The business of the day having been gone through in good time, the crowd dispersed to their respective homes, seemingly delighted with what they had witnessed, and all looking forward to the next merry meeting.

   THE Right Hon. Judge Torrens leaves his seat, Derrynoid, this day, for Dublin.

   We understand that from want of funds the Directors of the Presbyterian Foreign Mission will not be enabled to send out Mr. James Robson, as missionary, in conjunction with his brother, the Rev. Smyley Robson. The latter gentleman is expected to proceed on his work of faith and labour of love about June or July next.

   A very large Meeting, in reference to the Marriage question, was held in this town, on the 4th inst., R. Macrory, Esq., Ardmore, in the Chair. The Meeting was addressed by Rev. Messrs. M'Clure, M'Hinch, Lynch[,] Steen, Gibson, Wilson, Irvine, Geo. Proctor, Esq. and Mr. R. Turbitt.

   SHIPWRECKED FISHERMEN AND MARINERS' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY.---A meeting was held of the Auxiliary Branch on Monday, the 25th ult., at the Hotel, Portstewart, which was numerously attended. The whole of the fishermen, thirty-two in number, and the water-guard, enrolled their names as subscribers, and requested to be supplied with a medal each.

   PORTRUSH DISPENSARY.---We understand that through the exertions of the Clergymen and respectable residents of the Neighbourhood, a Dispensary has at length been established at Portrush. Dr. Samuel Campbell has been appointed Medical attendant, the Rev. W. Mill, Secretary, and Mr. A. Hunter, of Gorstown, Treasurer. From the respectability of the Committee and Officers, we have no doubt it will be well supported. Portrush is one of the most fashionable watering Places on the Coast, and we have no doubt many of those who seek health and pleasure in its dark blue waters and refreshing breezes will be happy to contribute to relieve the sufferings of the poor.


BANN NAVIGATION.---We are glad to see bythe annexed list of Subscriptions towards defraying the expenses of a survey of the River to the sea, that there is a likelihood of that object being at once proceeded with. Mr. Taggart, the Secretary, has just published the first list of Subscribers, as follows : John Boyd, Esq., M.P.,
  £10., W. Delap, Esq., £10., S. Lawrence, Esq.,
  £10., Dan. Given, Esq., £10., T. Bennett, Esq.,
  £10., J. Moore, Esq., £10., Clothworkers' Co.,
  £10., W. Warke, Esq., £5., R. Sharpe, Esq.,
  £5., R. H M'Farland, Esq., £5., Joseph
  M'Carter, Esq., £5., Messrs. J. Given & Co.,

  £5., Messrs. H. & T. Bellas, £5.


   BOARD OF GUARDIANS, Saturday, April 6th, 1844.---The usual meeting of the Board took place to day. After examining the accounts for the past year, which were considered satisfactory it was proposed by A. Orr, Esq., seconded by A. Barklie, Esq., that the Salary of the Clerk, Mr. Fleming, be raised from £50 to £55, which was carried unanimously. Mr. A. Mackay moved a vote of thanks to the late Chairman, Mr. Richardson, which was carried unanimously, as was also a motion by Mr. Wallace, for his re-election.


   COLONEL CAIRNES, Treasurer to the Portstewart Branch of the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Benevolent Society, gratefully acknowledges the following Subscriptions and Donations towards the objects of the Society, Rev. T. Cupples, T. Rolleston, and J. J. Smyth, R. M'Crory, Robert M'Naghten, H. Kennedy, Henry O'Hara, H. N. Rowan, James Lyle, Robert Knox, Thos. Moore, Dan. Givin, W. Warke, John Adams, Alexander Macky, Jonathan Nichols, Robert Givin, Thos Davock, William Moore, and James W. Kibbin, Esqrs. Dr. Graham, Messrs. J. White, Thomson, and Thos. M'Williams, Mrs. Macky, Mr. Greer, Mrs. Richardson, Miss Richardson, Miss M. Richardson, Miss Orr, Miss Tomb, Miss Mallard, and Miss Cupples, 2s. 6d. each, Mrs. Young 2s. 6d. and 6d. donation, J. C. Beresford, Esq., 3 years' subscription, 7s. 6d., Major Babington, Rev. S. Gwynne, Col. Cairnes, John Cromie, Esq., Miss Cromie, Mr. William M'Crea, and Dr. Russell, 2 years' subscription, 5s. each, Mr. M'Grotty, 2s. 6d., Mr. W. Hartford, 2s. 6d., Mr. May, 2s. 6d., Mr. Orr, 2s. 6d., J. B. M'Grotty, Esq., 2s. 6d., H. Macauley, Esq., Bank, 2s. 6d., H. Billsland, Esq., Bank, 2s. 6d., John Givin, Esq., 2s. 6d., Dr. Macalden, 2s. 6d., Robt. O'Neil, 2s. 6d., J. H. Lawlor, 2s. 6d., H. Stevenson, Esq., 2s. 6d., R. Huston, Esq., jun., 2s. 6d., A. Neile, Esq., R.M., 2s. 6d., W. Delap, Esq., 2s. 6d., --- Gordon, Esq., 2s. 6d., John Lynn, Esq., 2s. 6d., Daniel M'Gonigle, Esq., 2s. 6d., Alexander Hurley, 2s. 6d., Samuel Orr, Esq., two years, 5s., W. H. Black, 2s., Special Donation for Life Boat, Col. Cairnes, 20s., Edward Oseland, Esq., 5s., Andrew Orr, esq. [sic], J.P., 20s.



   There were several applications to register as electors, both for the Borough and County, but not of general interest.

John Griffith, Appellant:---Robt. Mitchell, Respondent.
   Mr. Cramsie, on behalf of Respondent, applied to the Court to affirm the conviction with costs : a complaint by Mr. Griffith, as Manager of the Bann Fisheries, had been dismissed by the Magistrates. Respondent had been served with notice of appeal from this dismiss, and put to expense ; but it now appeared no appeal had been entered with the Clerk of the Peace.
   Mr. H. B. Mackay, on the part of the owners of the Fisheries, resisted the application. Two complaints had been brought before the Magistrates---one against Mitchell and otherrs, for fishing with a net ; another against Mitchell alone for obstruction, both of which were dismissed ; in the latter, a notice of appeal had been given ; but Mr. Griffith being from home, the necessary recognizance could not be perfected within the ten days limited by the statute, and the appeal consequently was not entered. A dismiss, however, had been lodged in this Court, not in the case in which the notice had been served, but in the other, from which no intention to appeal had ever existed. The Court, therefore, he contended, must refuse the application.---Application refused accordingly.
John Morrison, Appellant ; Poor Law Guardians, Resps.
   Mr. Knox, for the Appellant, stated that this was an appeal from a rate made upon premises rated as a Salmon Fishery in Tullaghmurray, in the Union of Coleraine, and which was valued at £25, and quoted from Mackay's Summary of the Poor Laws, to show that sea fisheries were not rateable.
   Mr. H. B. Mackay, on behalf of the Guardians, contended that although fisheries in the open sea are not rateable, yet the right of fishig from a certain part of the strand might be rated as an appurtenant to the land, as a house privileged to sell spirits was rateable to the value of the privilege in Rex v. Bradford. The Court considered that question did not arise. The property was rated as a Salmon Fishery, and not as a privilege appurtenant to law.---Rate quashed.

   John Wallace and Mark M'Collum were indicted for creating an affray in the streets of Coleraine, on Saturday the 23d March last.
   Mr. D. M'Gonigle and Mr. Proctor appeared for Wallace ; Mr. H. B. Mackay for M'Collum.
   A Police Constable proved finding the parties fighting in the street, and was about being cross-examined by Mr. M'Gonigle, when
   Mr. Mackay stated, the case was so trifling, his client would plead guilty, and leave himself in the hands of the Court, and he would recommend the other Traverser to do the same.
   After a consultation with his legal advisers, Wallace also pleaded guilty.---Fined 5s. each.
   Thomas Church was indicted for stealing two fowls, the property of Miss Gage. The Traverser pleaded guilty.
   Mr. Daniel M'Gonigle spoke in mitigation of punishment ; after which, the prisoner was sentenced to four months' imprisonment.
   John Simpson, Daniel Finlay, and James Ross, were indicted for an assault on Jane Gage.
   Mr. Mackay, for the Traversers, said this was a brawl in a public-house, during which the landlady was assaulted. The Traversers were anxious to plead guilty, and compensate the prosecutrix for the damage done. Pleaded guilty. To pay £2 to prosecutrix, and 6d. each to the Queen.


Submitted by ajk.
By permission of The British Library.

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