Clare Journal Jan 3 1853
At Millview, the wife of Henry Bolton, Esq., of a son.
At Cragleigh, the wife of Wm. Kenny, jnr., Esq., of a son, still born.
At Cahirbane, the wife of Captain Creagh, R.N., of a son.
On Thursday, at Rossmount, near Killadysert, Mrs. RossLewin, wife of Thomas
RossLewin, Esq., greatly lamented by a fond husband and a numerous circle
of friends and acquaintences.
Clare Journal Jan 6 1853
On the 3rd instant at Ennis, Frederick Arthur, son of Michael Kerin, Esq.
Clare Journal Jan 17 1853
On the 7th September, at Christ Church, Geelong, by the Rev. E. Collins,
Joseph Griffin, Esq., of South Geelong, M.L.C., to Anna Massy, second
daughter of Samuel Bindon, Esq., of Waterpark, county Clare.
On the 30th September, at Adelaide, J. F. Christoe, Esq., to Dorothea,
eldest daughter of Doctor Blood Smith, late of Corofin, county Clare.
At Rouskane, near this town, Mr. John Roche, aged 74 years.
On yesterday, at the Causeway, Mrs. D. Shank.
Clare Journal Jan 20 1853
At Burton Hill, county Clare, the lady of Edward H. Goggin, Esq., of a son.
Clare Journal Jan 24 1853
In Jail-street, the lady of John Mahon, Esq., of a son.
Submitted by Declan Barron
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