Published in Cavan, county Cavan
November 7, 1850


CAVAN UNION - Tuesday 5, 1850

The board of guardians met to-day at the usual hour. Robert BURROWES, Esq., J.P., D.L., in the chair.

Other guardians present: - Messrs. John E. VERNON, J.P., Wm. HUMPHRYS, J.P., D.L., Theo. THOMPSON, J.P., Robert ERSKINE, J.P., A. BRUSH, J.P., John GUMLEY, J.P., Wm. SMITH, J.P., B. COYNE, M.D., Alex. BERRY, Thos. SMITH, Owen DONEGAN, Hugh BRADY, Wm. LITTLE, Robert FAGAN, P. GAFFNEY, John LYONS, and John DOHERTY.

The minutes of last meeting were confirmed by the signature of the chairman, together with the correspondence of the day which was uninteresting and unusually small.

A longer conversation took place as to the quality of the bread. It was reported as inferior in quality and also condemned by the medical men. It was also stated that it had been in that condition for some time past. Several plans were suggested to remedy the evil in the future.

Mr. W. SMITH was of opinion that, as the contractor promised to take back what was bad, it would be fair to acquaint him of it, and to have the inferior quality taken away and replaced by a proper commodity.

Mr. DONEGAN was unwilling to allow another chance, as the bread had been complained of for the last two or three months and to no effect.

Mr. THOMPSON and several other guardians were of opinion that as the union was paying for a first-rate commodity they were bound to see that such a commodity should be delivered.

The baker then called on said that the bad bread was attributable to the flour.

It was finally ordered that the contractor be requested to take away the bad flour and supply a good quality in its stead, and if not that they should purchase good flour and charge the balance to the contractor. The matter here dropped.

Mr. THOMPSON brought under the notice of the board the irregularity that prevailed in the dining hall on a late visit he made to the house; and also the neglect displayed in measuring out the rations to the different classes of paupers.

The master stated that they had no regular measure for that purpose; and that on that occasion he was from home and had not an opportunity of superintending the filling out of the stirabout. The cooks in the kitchen he had to frequently reprimand for overfilling some tables, and that any vessels that were not properly filled he always had them supplied over again.

After a few more remarks on the subject a measure was ordered for each class so that it may suit any change of dietary that may take place in the house.

The Rev. W. WILKINS brought under the notice of the board the inconvenience he was put to by the master in the discharge of his duties by a late arrangement. Mr. WILKINS proceeded some length to show the animus of the master towards him in the discharge of his duties as chaplain.

The Chairman and Mr. VERNON said that the late arrangement was made under the sanction of the board, and that it was not the master was to blame but the board. The guardians would now, if possible, arrange so as to prevent Mr. Wilkins from being incommoded in the discharge of his duties.

Mr. THOMPSON and Mr. W. SMITH, accompanied by Mr. WILKINS and the master, went to view the room allotted to Mr. WILKINS for the discharge of his duties. It was the opinion of the foregoing gentlemen that the room was too small, and that Mr. WILKINS should be restored to the former room where he officiated for the last eight years, and that the children who were inconvenienced thereby should sit in the dining hall for about an hour and a half, until service would have been concluded. The suggestion was made on the understanding that the dinner should be over at three o'clock, which was ordered.

Mr. WILKINS intimated that he had some other charges to prefer against the master, which, after a long discussion, was postponed for this day fortnight when the charges will be investigated seriatim before the board and Mr. BARRON, Poor Law Inspector, who will be requested to attend for that purpose. We did not learn the exact nature of the charges. The master got a copy of them. Mr. VERNON moved, and Mr. THOMPSON seconded, that the Roman Catholic Chaplain be paid in full up to the present date, and that the matter should be then left in the Commissioners' hands. - Carried.

Mr. W. SMITH's resolution, mentioned in our last report, was carried unanimously.

After some other ordinary business having been transacted the board adjourned.

On the 6th of November, at Oldcastle, by the Rev. Thomas BURNE, R.C.C., Mr. Patrick M'MAHON of Cavan, to Louisa, daughter of the late James O'DONNELL, Esq., of Mullingar.

November 3, at Kilrush, Laurence QUINLIVAN, Esq., Mayor of Limerick, to Ellen Mary, daughter of Mathew KELLY, Esq., Manager, National Bank of Ireland. In Timahoe Church, Philip COOPER, Esq., of Timahoe, Queen's County, to Hannah, daughter of Fras. HINDS, Esq., of Lansdown Lodge, same county.

On the morning of the 6th November inst., at No. 24, Eden-quay, John Kent JOHNSTON, Esq., in the 48th year of his age. Mr. JOHNSTON passed his life in connexion with the Newspaper Press of Ireland, to which he unsparingly devoted his mental and physical energies, proving himself a most able, zealous, and intelligent agent in its service.

November 2, at 23, Upper Mount-street, in the fourth year of his age, Edward Fitzhardinge, second son of Robert J. BERKELEY, Esq

November 14, 1850

(Written for the Anglo-Celt - Nov. 1850.)

A traveler starting from the county town of Cavan and wishing to get a correct idea of the state of things - physical and social - in the higher and poorer parts of this (once) thickly populated county, could not take a better course than to come up by the Dublin mail to Virginia, and stopping there for the night, he might take a look in the morning at the beautiful scenery around Lough Ramor. At the upper end of the town his eye will be taken by the view of a babbling rivulet tumbling down a ledge of rocks, and soon disappearing under a covert of shrubs and trees as it rolls onward, and soon loses itself in the broad expanse of Virginia's lovely lake.

Lough Ramor is one of the largest and most picturesque of our county Cavan lakes - a county which is noted for the number and variety of loughs - it touches the town of Virginia on the south side, and extends from right to left of the town some three-and-a-half miles, and in several spots it spreads out more than a mile in breadth.

"Numerous islets lie sprinkled upon its bosom, and are, for the most part, tufted with wood; its outlines are, in several places, considerably varied, and its shores are diversified with demesnes, plantations, fine farms, and the town of Virginia.

"On the western end the shores are beautified by the plantations of Lord HEADFORT's fine deer-park - which stretches for two miles around them - and connected with the improvements of Fort-George the residence of the rector of the parish, and also with the plantations of Fort-Frederick the beautifully situated demesne of Richards SCOTT, Esq."

This lake has for the last few years become famous for its Regattas, which come off with great elclat in the month of August, and attract to its shores the rank and fashion of the country with crowds of strangers from various parts of Ireland. But we hasten away to other scenes. The streamlet that crosses the Dublin road at the upper end of the town, may be traced along its winding course for twelve or fourteen miles, till the tourist finds himself standing at its source among the health-clad hills and moors of the Highlands of county Cavan. Crossing over the country, lying to the eastward of Lough Ramor, the traveler meets little to attract his attention until he reaches a summit nearly midway between Virginia and Bailieborough, and there, if the day is fine and the sky clear, his eye will range over a wide and varied outline, stretching from Slieveglagh, in the neighbourhood of Cavan, to the mountains of Moume; and here he can see and feel the point and beauty of the poet's couplet,

"Tis distance lends enchantment to the view,
And robes yon mountain in its azure hue."

After admiring the country around him, the traveller (sic) will soon enter the town of Bailieborough, and as this remote inland town, with its mountain scenery and crowded population is little known, it may be right to take a look at the town itself, and, if time permitted, to make a few excursions in its neighbourhood, and give a description of its physical features, and then to tell something of the past and present condition of the people who dwell there. Bailieborough was, till of late, one of the best market towns in the county. It was, till the famine arrested its progress, a most promising and thriving place. The weekly market is on Monday; it is still pretty well attended by the farmers for miles around, who find in it a ready sale for every kind of farm produce; but it must be no longer concealed, there has been for the last year or two a visible falling off in the numbers who used to attend fairs and markets. The change for the worse is felt in both town and country. The introduction of the free-trade policy has told terribly on the agricultural population of this corn-growing district, and the loss of the potato has entirely changed the appearance of the country.

The cabins where the farm-labourers or cottiers used to dwell have long since been deserted, and nothing remains of most of them now but a solitary gable or ruined side-wall, which may remain for years to come a memento of past neglect and mismanagement somewhere. Not only are the cabins of the labourers abandoned, but many of the cottages of the honest and once thriving small farmers are now standing tenantless, and their quondam occupants are now gone, exiles in a foreign land.

We are not in a position at present to judge what our losses are in suffering this class of farmers to leave the country; and if rent and poor-rates continue to press as they have done for the last few years, it requires no prophet's eye to see that this part of the country will be left without people to till the soil, and this great agricultural county will in many parts be turned into pasture grounds, and like some parts of the coast of Ireland, be utterly forsaken. There seems to be some kind of infatuation over the minds of both rulers and ruled, in pursuing for the last five years the insane policy of keeping up in idleness great masses of the population, and feeding them first at the expense of treasury, from which we drew nearly ten millions one way or another, and which money must be now repaid; and in now pressing out of the country, the tenant farmers who are at present flying their homes, rather than wait till their little all is wrested from them to pay old rents and new rates. We are at present acting a most extraordinary part. We are keeping up in our poorhouses the idle masses, and feeding them there at a ruinous rate. To keep the beggars we are exiling the farmers, and the end will be, that only two classes will be left in the country - the starving idle population gathered into our workhouses, and the bankrupt landlords, whose entire income will not be enough to feed and clothe the inmates of our poorhouses.

But to return, Bailieborough, as a town lies in the midst of hills. On the east stand Laughnilea and Tayhart, the highest mountains of Cavan. From a lough-let under Tayhart hill springs one of the head streams of the Annalee or Cootehill river, which flows into Lough Erne, and on the opposite side of the same hill rises a stream that swells into the Louth river, and empties itself into the sea above Dundalk. The descent of these streams proves that Bailieborough stands near the highest land in Cavan. The town lies north and south, and the main-street is lined on both sides with many new and elegant shops, where the merchants transact, or rather used to do a considerable business in the woollen (sic) and grocery, timber, and hardware trades.

In the town there are two inns. Mr. Thomas ARGUE of the Adelaide Hotel keeps up a posting establishment, and receives, as he well deserves, a large share of public patronage. We have in the town a Courthouse, with a Bridewell attached, and Bailieborough is one of the four towns in the county where the assistant-barrister holds quarter sessions twice in the year. The other three are Cavan, Cootehill, and Ballyconnell. It is also the station of a large police force. The constabulary are under the watchful care of Mr. BAILEY, the resident inspector; and we have also stationed here a strong revenue police force whose vigilance and presence here are required to keep in check the old propensity of the natives for distilling among the mountains and bogs around the town.

To the south west of the town, on the road from Bailieborough to Virginia, stands the new Fever Hospital, which is at present under the care of Dr. MOORE, and a little above it rises on the side of a bleak hill the newly erected Agricultural Schoolhouse, with suitable offices and farm attached. It is to be a training-school, where some six or eight pupils are to be boarded and educated under the eye of an experienced agriculturist, and taught both the theory and practice of the modern and scientific system of farming.

One is glad to see this new establishment erected in this neglected mountain district. It is much required here, where we are so much addicted to our old habits of thinking and doing that we can hardly bear anything that has the look of novelty. The farmers who lived here some sixty years ago are said to have followed the instincts of nature in everything, and in the ploughing of their field and the threshing of their corn they kept up the old and original plan -

"When they ploughed their fields by horses' tails,
And threshed their corn with fiery flails."

This may appear to the moderns ludicrous, but it was true to the letter, as we hope to show in our next.


Alexander KETTYLE, Main-street, CAVAN, in announcing his return from the Irish, English, and Scotch Markets, respectfully solicits the attention of his numerous friends and the public to the unusually Large and Fashionable Assortment of WINTER GOODS with which his Ware-rooms are now Furnished. In effecting the various Purchases of which the Stock consists, the principle-Manufacturing markets have been resorted to.

Advertiser's Stock of West of England and Yorkshire Cloths, Plain and Fancy Doeskins, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Plaids, Vestings, Beavers, Pilot Cloths, Blankets, Flannels, Hats, &c., will be found, on inspection to be very superior, and the Prices moderate.

Ladies favouring A. K.'s Establishment with their patronage will find the FANCY DEPARTMENT well supplied with the Newest and most Fashionable Designs for the Season.


Cavan, November, 1850

No "Irish" - The word is said to be wide, and yet for the unhappy "Irish" it would seem to be all too narrow; to rest their weary foot upon there is no place left for them! Some Liverpool trader wants a house-maid, or a plain - a very plain cook; and yet this English churl proclaims, in a town consisting of the most mixed population in the kingdom, that to this lotty and dignified trust no "Irish" need-aspire. The advertisement may be seen in the Liverpool Mercury of last Friday. Again - this week, in London, a poor Irish girl, named Betty CONNELL, is found begging. Directly she is seized, imprisoned, and in due course, charged before the functionary who administers law - we will not say justice - at the office in Marlborough-street, with this offence. The officers, her accusers (for there were several), alleged that they found her "complaining piteously of starvation and poverty, but when searched 1s. 8d. was found n her possession." To beg in the streets of London whilst one shilling and eightpence remained to be extracted from her pocket by the surrounding traders, was an intolerable aggravation of her offence. Poor Betty Connell, what could you say for yourself! She had nothing to say but that misery drove her from Ireland; but the tale in no way affected the heart of her judges, except, perhaps, to inflame their indignation against her. The organ of the bench pronounces as follows: - "That court, he said, would endeavour as much as possible to resist the systematic emigration of Irish pauperism in this country. It was not to be endured that a country like England, already overburdened with its own poor, should have thrown upon it endless shoals of Irish paupers, who, it appeared, obtained a passage either entirely free or for a mere trifle from captains of coasting and seam vessels. He gave notice that no encouragement would be given to Irish paupers at that court; for he was determined, in every case where the offence of ! begging in the public streets was brought home to Irish paupers, to send them to prison for one month." The poor ragged girl - the unendurable culprit who complained in London, of cold, nakedness, and hunger, was immediately removed to undergo the appointed penalty. - Dublin Evening Herald.

A Cabinet Council was held on Friday at the Foreign Office, at one o'clock. The Ministers present were, the Marquis of Lansdowne, Lord J. RUSSELL, Lord TRURO, Sr. C. WOOD, Earl MINTO, Earl GREY, Lord PALMERSTON, Sir. J. C. HOBBOUSE, the Hon. Fox MAULE, Sr. G. Grey, the Hon. H. LABOUCHERE, the Marquis of Clanricarde, and the Hon. Sir. T. F. BARING.

Every parish, town, and county in England has held its meeting to record its indignant protest against the pretensions of the Papacy. The language held at all of them has been very nearly identical; and it would serve no purpose to give the speeches of the different orators at length. Suffice it to say they are full of loyalty and devotion to the Crown of England, and hatred to the See of Rome.

November 10, the lady of George BOLTON, jun., Esq., Solicitor of Nenagh, of a son.

November 9, at 6, Lower Buckingham-street, the lady of Captain H. O'REILLY, of a son. November 4, at New-street, Spring-gardens, the Lady Mary HOARE, of a son.

November 6, in St. Peter's Church, Thomas Hird GOODWIN, son of Michael GOODWIN, Esq., Whitechurch, Crumlin, to Emily, youngest daughter of the late John M'CREA, Esq., of Mountpleasant Avenue, Dublin.

On the 8th instant, at Glasslough Church, by the Rev. W. H. PRATT, Robert FORDE, Esq., M.D., of Downpatrick, to Anne, second daughter of the late Sidney Hamilton ROWAN, Esq., of same place.

At St. John's, N.B., on 29th September, of jaundice, in the 43rd year of his age, Mr. William ARMSTRONG, a native of Quivey, Belturbet, county Cavan, Ireland.

November 3, at Cheltenham, Mrs. Maria ROSS, relict of the Rev. Thomas ROSS, of Rostrevor, second daughter of Captain Edward O'BRIEN, and grand-daughter of Sir Edward O'BRIEN, Bart., of Dromeland.

November 21, 1850


Scarcely had the feelings of alarm and abhorrence, evinced by the late daring robbery of cattle from Mr. Samuel Hall of Coppenagh (announced in our publication of Thursday last), subsided until the following burglary and robberies were perpetrated; and that, too, whilst no less than seven persons including the approver, were being committed and the police in active search for others implicated in the commission of that (Mr. Hall's) robbery:-

BURGLARY AND ROBBERY OF PLATE. - On the night of Friday or early in the morning of Saturday last some burglars succeeded in effecting an entrance through the pantry window of Ashfield Lodge, adjacent to Cootehill, and abstracting from it a quantity of valuable plate, the property of Lieut. Col. H. t. Clements, J.P., late High Sheriff for the county. No clue has as yet been discovered to lead to the apprehension of the daring burglars or recovery of the stolen property.

ROBBERY OF LEAD. = At an early hour on the same morning (Saturday last) a gate keeper belonging to Richard Coote, Esq., of Bellamont Forest, discovered a sweep and his wife in the act of carrying off a considerable quantity of lead which they had just stripped off the roof of the house lately occupied by Mr. Eyre Coote, J.P., adjoining the church of Cootehill (which verifies the old adage - "The nearer the church the farther from God!") and being armed with a fowling piece he (the gate keeper) arrested them both and delivered them up to the police, and they were committed by the petty sessions' magistrates, on the same day, to the gaol of this town to abide their trials at the ensuing quarter sessions of Bailieborough for the offence.

What are the police doing?

DESTRUCTION OF "THE FERMANAGH MAIL" OFFICE BY FIRE. - About half-past three o'clock, on Saturday morning last, an alarm of fire aroused the inhabitants of Enniskillen, and dense volumes of livid smoke, arising from the rear of No. 2, Darling-street, owned by Mr. T. R. J. Polson, proprietor of the Fermanagh Mail newspaper, soon indicated the scene of danger. The fire-bell, also sent forth its "warning voice," and in a short time, the military and police, the former under the command of Colonel Tenant, the latter under County Inspector Foot, with the ordnance engine, superintended by Mr. Hill Perkinson, were on the spot, by which time a large concourse of the inhabitants had assembled. When the engine commenced to play, the scene seemed awful in the extreme - the office being completely enveloped in flames which were rapidly communicating to the main building. Owing to the untiring exertions of the military and police the fire was confined to the printing-office, all of which was totally consumed, and every type, printing-presses (off which there were three), and other material, necessary for the typographical art, contained therein, have also been destroyed or rendered useless. The loss of property sustained by Mr. Polson cannot amount to much less than £1000, for the greater portion of which, we believe, he was insured. The contents of two stores, under the printing-office, were also consumed on the occasion. The cause of the unfortunate occurrence has not been discovered, but it is supposed to have been the result of accident.

PUBLIC DINNER TO WILLIAM THOMPSON, ESQ. - Thursday night last, Mr. Thompson, late accountant in the Ulster Bank, Enniskillen, was entertained at a public dinner in the Town-Hall, by upwards of one hundred of the principal gentry and merchants of Enniskillen and vicinity, in order to testify their respect for him as a gentleman and an upright and estimable member of society, and their gratification at his promotion to the managership of the Ultster Bank in Cavan. Mr. Thompson has hitherto discharged his duties, public and private, with credit to himself and to all concerned; and he leaves his native town without the semblance of a stain on his integrity, and with the ennobling gratification, that his steady perseverance in the cause of rectitude has earned for him the effectionate (sic) regard of all his neighbours, of every creed and party. A better or more popular selection could not have been made for the Cavan Branch. - Enniskillen paper.

REMARKABLE OCCURRENCE. - On Monday, the 11th inst., Sir William Verner's gamekeeper wounded a wild duck in the lake, in his demeasne, at Churchill in this county. It swam to an island in the centre of the lake and it was necessary for the keeper to make a considerable circuit to reach the boat-house. Before he could effect his purpose the duck was seen to leave the island pursued by four otters. They hunted its trail along the water, in the same manner that a hound would do that of a hare on shore. It dived repeatedly on their coming up with it simultaniously (sic) disappeared and continued their chase under water. It then, once more, sought for refuge in the island, closely pursued by the otters; and though the keeper, who hastened up with a boat, beat the island closely with dogs, he only succeeded in dislodging two of the otters, the other two having most probably, by that time, succeeding in capturing the duck, of which no traces could be found. A second keeper andseveral woodcutters were passive witnesses of the chase, from the oposite (sic) shore, but at too great a distance from the boat-house to render any assistance. It is known that otters frequently pray on young ducks but an occurrence of this kind, in the sight of so many people, is quite unprecedented. Such an instance of boldness and audacity, on the part of these animals may have seldom been witnessed. - Armagh Guardian


On the arrival of a train at Shrewsbury, on Monday evening, while it was on the bridge over the Severn at the station, Mr. Milner, of Bridgeworth, incautiously got out of the carriage, which was close to the parapet, and, before he aware of his danger, he was precipitated into the river beneath a height of 68 feet. The only injury he sustained was a fracture of the ancle (sic) bone.

William Aher, Esq., of Castlecomer, has presented a collection of animal bones found in the draining of Lough Gur (?) to the Kilkenny Archaeological Society.

The Rev. Thomas Thompson, Presbyterian Minister; Robert Baird, Archibald Scott, and several others, have been held to bail at the Bailymoney petty sessions, to sand their trial at the ensuing quarter sessions, for a conspiracy to defraud William Moore, Esq., J.P., and for fraudulently removing his tenant (Baird's) goods at night.


Nov. 14, at 24, Upper Fitwilliam-street, Dublin, the Lady Robert Montagu, of a daughter.

Nov. 9, at Limerick, the wife of Captain George Wilder, Royal Horse Artillery, of a son.

Nov. 9, at Limerick, the wife of Captain George Pole, Staff Officer of Pensioners, of a daughter.


November 17, at Cavan, by the Right Rev. James Browne, D.D., Mr. John M'Cabe, Wesley-street, to Mary, youngest daughter of Mr. Patrick Gallagher, Main-street.

Nov. 12, in Donnybrook Church, Dublin, by the Rev. Augustus West, Prebendary of Tipperkevin, Joseph Farren Darley, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, third son of the late William Darley, Esq., of St. John's, to Kate, second daughter of Joseph Watkins, Esq., Elm Park.


November 15, at Liverpool, Henry, youngest son of the late Mr. John Strong, of Loughsheelan, of decline.

Nov. 3, at the Parade, Kilkenny, Miss Gorman. This benevcient (?) lady, amongst other legacies, bequeathed the munificent sum of £300 to the Protestant Orphan Society.

November 28, 1850

CARDINAL WISEMAN: - The installation of Cardinal WISEMAN will, it is rumoured, take place in about 10 days time, and that the ceremony will be gone through in private, with closed doors, for the purpose of avoiding the annoyance anticipated on the part of those whom curiosity might lead to witness it.

DREADFUL SHIPWRECK AND LOSS OF NINETY LIVES. A Kilrush correspondent of the "Nation" sent a letter, dated the 21st instant, giving the following particulars: -

"The splendid barque, Edward, Captain WILSON, commander, bound for New York, took in passengers at Limerick, 207; crew, 17. She was for some time delayed at Carrigaholt, taking in a fresh supply of water at Scattery Roads. Left Carrigaholt on Monday morning, the 11th, with a fair slant of wind; but after a couple of hours' sailing, the wind blew W.N.W., getting very thick. The Captain then steered for Galway, hoping to gain that port before rough weather set in. At noon, could take no observation, owing to the thick haze and squalls. A 'Look-out' was ordered to the maintop-sail yard, to direct the man at the helm. They then endeavoured to regain the Shannon, but could not see a rope's length in advance of them. About ten o'clock p.m., they found themselves in smooth water, and were disposed to cast anchor, but were then apprised of their position, by one of the passengers, who informed the Captain, that they had just passed a ledge of rocks called 'Dhuggernach,'! and were right under Sikes (?) Lodge, Kilkee.

"Contrary to orders, the carpenter cut the stopper, and let go the anchor - it partially checked the vessel for a few minutes; but the sea washing heavily over her, the main and mizzen masts fell over on the rocks - the canvass had been previously blown away. At this time she became perfectly unmanageable - it blew a hurricane, and before eleven o'clock she was in pieces!

"Forty-five bodies have been picked up - all more or less bruised or disfigured among the rocks.

"Were the Humane Society, for the Protection of Life, aware of the dangers that Richard RUSSELL, Esq., of Limerick, encountered, and his two companions - M'CARTHY, the Coast Guard, and a shoemaker of Kilkee - they would certainly award them collars of gold, for their invaluable assistance on that terrible night. They, under Providence, saved those who escaped destruction. The truly gallant Captain (Wilson) stood by his vessel while a stick remained together. He saved life while he could; and his last burden, off the last plant, was an old woman he carried on his back to shore.

"When the roll was called at the police barrack ninety-six were missing; but I know one or two were put to bed in the village, and Father KENYON's brother had gone at the time to Kilrush.

"A portion of the stern remained fastened in the rocks, to point out where the catastrophe occurred; but not a plank is left whole - not a spar or cordage left together. The beautiful vessel is now in small pieces scattered round the Bay of Kilkee! "It is feared other vessels were wrecked on this coast the same night. A vessel laden with corn is reported off Liscannor, without a soul on board."


Nov. 23, in Blackhall-street, Dublin, the wife of the Rev. B. GIBSON, prematurely, of a son, stillborn.

Nov. 25, at his residence, Vergemont, the lady of Robert VINCENT, Esq., LL.D., of a son. At Kilbarton Globe, Borrisokane, the lady of the Rev. Thomas LYON, of a son.

Nov. 20, at Stonehouse, Devon, the lady of Capt. ABERCROMBY, Nelson, of a daughter.


Nov. 23, Rebecca, the beloved wife of Usher BEERE, Esq., of Holles-street, Dublin, second daughter of the late William CHADWICK, Esq., of Billinard, in the county of Tipperary, and niece of the late Sir John Craven Carden, Bart., of the Priory, Templemore.

Nov. 18, at Vianstown, in the county of Down, the Rev. Edward Francis KNOX, Incumbent of Ballymascanlon, in the county of Louth.

UNREMITTING KINDNESS. - A comedian went to America, and remained there two years, leaving his wife depending on her relatives. Mrs. F__tt, expatiating in the green room on such conduct, the comedian found a warm advocate in a well-known dramatist. "I have heard, says the latter, "that he is the kindest of men, and I know that he writes to his wife every packet." "Yes, he writes, "replied Mrs. F., "a parcel of flummery about the agony of absence, but he has never remitted her a shilling. Do you call that kindness?" "Decidedly," replied the author, "unremitting kindness.

AMERICAN ELOQUENCE. - A Yankee auctioneer lately indulged in the following little bit of pathetic: - "Gentlemen, if my father and mother stood where you do, and didn't buy these boots, these elegant boots, when they were going for one dollar, I should feel it my duty as a son, to tell both of 'em that they were false to themselves and false to their country."

A LITTLE FABLE. - The sword of the warrior was taken down to brighten; it had been long out of use. The rust was rubbed off, but there were spots that would not go - they were of blood. It was on the table near the pen of his secretary. The pen took advantage of the first breath of air to move a little further off. "Thou art right," said the sword. "I am a bad neighbour." "I fear thee not," replied the pen; "I am more powerful than thou art, but I love not thy society." "I exterminate," said the sword. "And I perpetuate," answered the pen; "where are thy victories if I recorded them not? Even where thou thyself shalt one day be - in the Lake of Oblivion."

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