Ireland Old News

London Times
London, Middlesex, England
June 17, 1851

(From  our Own Correspondent)

     The directors of the Midland Great Western Railway have officially notified that the company will convey free of all expense to Dublin the passengers on board the America, United States steam-ship, which sails on Tuesday next on her experimental trip from New York to the port of Galway- a piece of well-timed liberality which has been followed up on by the City of Dublin Steam-packet Company, who have undertaken to being the Transatlantic visitors on the same terms to Holyhead or Liverpool, whichever they desire.
     The following is an extract from a letter received by Mr. Persse, of Galway, from his brother, Mr. Dudley Persse, who is actively engaged in New York promoting the interests of his native town:-
     "It is settled that the North America will make two trips to Galway, and will sail from this port positively on the 17th of June for Galway, and leave on the 4th or 8th of July. She will sail on the second voyage about the 1st of August; and if all goes right, we expect to be able, in a short time, to get all the steam-ships to call at Galway in place of Southampton. Every person in Galway possessed of a car or carriage should have it at the dock to convey all the ladies and gentlemen to the different hotels, and you should bring the matter at once before the Harbour and Town Commissioner. Two of the owners, Messrs. Vanderwater and M'Leon go out in her. We shall try and get the Ohio and Promethus to sail on the 1st of August also, and we expect that Miss Hayes will come out in the North America on the second trip. The North America will make Galway in 8 1/2 days, as she is a very swift vessel, having run 350 miles for three successive days."
     The North America, it is reported, will carry over about 150 passengers. Meanwhile the arrangements for the opening of the whole line of railway from Galway to Dublin are being carried out with redoubled energy, and it is now believed that all the works will be completed before the time contemplated (the 1st of August) by the enterprising contractor (Mr. Dargan). Labourers are employed night and day, and when the splendid bridge over the Shannon is finished but little more remains to be done.


     A moderate Conservative journal (the Downpatrick Recorder) takes a widely different view from the great majority of the Irish papers of the consequences of the emigration movement now in progress. It says-
     "Generally speaking, the classes which have emigrated are small farmers and labourers. We cannot see how it will entail a national loss, the emigration of a number of small farmers. They were too numerous, they recklessly competed for land and raised the rents on one another; they had little capital toexpend upon agriculture and as little skill; they were not blessed with a large share of knowledge, either bearing upon their occupation or otherwise, and were very unwilling to learn. They were slow to diverge from the beaten track of their progenitors. As to political and religious principles, or rather feelings and prejudices, they were not of such a kind that their loss should be a matter of deep regret. The small farmers will be succeeded by large farmers, whether English, Irish, or Scotch, who will have more skill, capital, and energy, and therefore be better fitted to turn their farms to the best account. Before the changes took place in the agricultural state of the country this was wanted; it is more than ever necessary now, when the best policy would be to produce less grain, and pay more attention to cattle feeding and those departments of agricultural pursuit which come less in contact with foreign competition. Some may complain that labourers will be scarce, but fewer labourers will be required under the new state of things to which the country is approximating, so that if a great many had not emigrated, they must have been supported in the workhouses."
     With respect to our agricultural prospects the same cautious authority observes:-
     "There are visible indications of the country recovering from its evils, if men would only have hope and patience. Cultivation has been well attended to, and the crops are, as they should be, of a very diversified character, which is best suited to the present time. For so far, also, the crops promise well. The Encumbered Estates Court has done great good by clearing off many encumbrances which clogged the wheels of national progress. It has laid the foundation for great changes. It has transferred a great extent of land to other hands, at an expense much short of that which, in old times, attended such transfers. With respect to several articles of farm produce, such as cattle, pork, butter, &c., the prices are not despicable; and pretty fair prices may be looked forward to if artificial tactics be abandoned, and things be allowed to find their natural level. It is not a matter of opinion merely, it is a matter of ascertained fact, that the farmers may thank their professed friends, the Protectionists, for lowering the price of grain. They pained everything in gloomy colours-they represented the agricultural interest as doomed to ruin-they raised a panic, in short, which had the effect of deterring buyers from purchasing and urging on holders of grain to dispose of its at a sacrifice."

Submitted by #I000525


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