The Dublin Intelligence, 17 August 1726

Dublin, August 16.
    On Sunday last a most Unfortunate Accident happened, a Boat full of People coming between Dublin and Rings End, were by the Carelessness of the Boatmen drove in to a Great Current which is there and Over set and many of the Passengers were lost, among whom we are inform'd were one Mrs. Sands of Phenix street's 2 Children, and a Nurse, also one of Mr. Sands of Christ Church-yard his wife and Child, the Child tho' only was quite lost, for he in striving to throw it on shore unhappily drop'd it in, tho' he and his Wife were brought off, with them was one Mrs. Lamb, a Young Woman of Essex-street, a GentleWoman in Sheep-street, a Coach-Harnisser in George's-Lane, a Sailor, a Confectioners Maid on the Blind Quay, and several others.
    There were many who were Sav'd, by the Help of Ropes, and Boats, and the Endeavours of several well dispos'd Persons
Submitted by dja


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