The Dublin Intelligence, 13 October 1711

WHeareas the Justices of the Peace and Protestant Free=Holders of the County of Dublin for many Years past, have preserved a good Understanding and Unanimity among themselves, whereby the Service of Her Majesty, and the Interest and Peace of the said County have been successively promoted.
     And whereas Francis Higgins Clerk Rector of Ballruddory, in the said County being formerly admitted into the Commission of the Peace of the said County, did behave himself in a manner so Turbulent and unbecoming of the Sacred Function of a Clergyman, that upon the Application of the Gentlemen of the Benchof Justices of the Peace, he was to their General Satisfaction, turned out of the said Commission by Sir Richard Cox whilst he was Lord Chancellor ; whereby the former Unanimity and good Understanding between the said Gentlemen was restored.
     And whereas the said Francis Higgins being lately put into the said Commission of the Peace, Yesterday at his first Appearance amongst the Gentlemen of the said County, in very Provoking Manner Insulted the Right Honourable Henry Lord Baron of Santry, and other Gentlemen of Quality and Fortune, then present at the said Session.
     And whereas the said Francis Higgins since his last return from London, hath by many repeated Insolencies Abus'd, Traduc'd and ill Treated several of the said Justices of the Peace, and other Persons of known Loyalty and Affection to Majesty's Government.
     We therefore present the said Francis Higgins to be a Common Disturber of Her Majesty's Peace, and a Sower of Sedition and Groundless Jealousies amongst Her Majesty's Protestant Subject, and therefore desire the Honourable Bench to Concur with us in Laying this our Presentment before the Lord Chancellor of this Kingdom, and to desire his Lordship would be pleased for the Ease and Quiet of this County, to Turn the said Francis Higgins out of the said Commission of the Peace.
John Allen,         Francis Grovesnor,
Charles O Hara,         William Vipond,
John Shepheard,         John Allen,
Harvey Sale,         Henry Davis,
William Guy,         Thomas Carshore,
Henry Martin,         Richard Halpenny,
Thomas Kennan,         Roger Tuthill,
Samuel Winter,         Henry Clayton,
John Allen,       
ON Reading of which Presentment, it was Ordered by the Court that the same be allowed of, and at the Request of the Grand=Jury it was Ordered to be Printed.
Jam. Stenhouse D. Clark of the Peace.
Submitted by dja


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