The Cork Examiner, 10 September 1847
   The magistrates presiding were JAMES ROCHE and JOHN BAGNELL, Esq.
D. D. Curtayne v. John Ahern.
   On the magistrates directing the clerk to call on this case, the name of the defendant was frequently called, but no response was made.
   Mr. Roche—Shall we issue a warrant against Ahern?
   Mr. Curtayne—I suggest nothing to the court, but I believe that is the legitimate course.
   Mr. Bagnell—What is this case?
   Mr. Curtayne—For obtaining money under false pretences.
   Mr. Bagnell—That is the same charge as we had before ; but there was no witness present. Has a witness been summoned or does he appear now?
   The name of the witness was called, but it did not appear that he was in attendance.
   Mr. Curtayne—I would submit with great respect—
   Mr. Bagnell—No witness appears.—
   Mr. Curtayne—If Mr. Bagnell, as soon as he is done, permits me to make an observation.—
   Mr. Bagnell—I was asking whether a witness was summoned, I understand he was not, and I don't think you can go on with the case.
   Mr. Curtayne—You will perhaps permit me to pursue the course that I am advised I ought to pursue ; and of course, if I am improper in that proceeding, you will dismiss it.
   Mr. Bagnell—The case was before two magistrates on a former occasion.—
   Mr. Curtayne—I am prepared to make oath it never was—
   Mr. Bagnell—If—
   Mr. Curtayne—If, if (laughter).
   Mr. Bagnell—You must not interrupt me, Sir. There was a case mentioned and it was this that Ahern, after leaving in your service, went and obtained money at Mr. Bowden's. We wanted the evidence of the person there to prove that he did so, and that evidence not being forthcoming he was dismissed. I understand this witness has not been summoned, and therefore this case now stands as before.
   Mr. Curtayne (addressing Mr. Roche)—Mr. Chairman, Mr. Bagnell, with great respect has made a statement, and I am sure has done so under the impression that what he was stating was perfectly true, but I beg to inform you that such is not the fact. Mr. Curtayne then begged permission to make his application.—
   Mr. Roche—Well do it.
   Mr. Curtayne—After there is a little silence.
   Mr. Feath—Don't address me Mr. Curtayne I am not disturbing the court (laughter).
   Mr. Curtayne (addressing the Bench)—I am very unwell and if you will not interrupt me I will proceed.—
   Mr. Roche—You are only interrupting yourself (laughter).
   Mr. Curtayne then detailed at length two charges against Ahern, with which the public are pretty well acquainted—the first was for stealing a number of the Cork Sentinel, stating first to Mr. Curtayne that he had delivered it as directed; and, on Mr. Curtayne ascertaining that he had not delivered it, asserting that he had returned it to the plaintiff. That variance Mr. Curtayne contended was proper evidence to be submitted to a jury. This portion of the case Mr. Curtayne illustrated by reference to the bank with which Mr. Roche is connected, and adverted to the proceedings that would be probably taken in the event of a porter of that establishment being guilty of a similar delinquency to that which, it was alleged, Ahern had committed. The second charge against the defendant was that he had on the 30th of August, by representing himself as in Mr. Curtayne's service, obtained the sum of sixpence. He refused to give any information on this subject, though frequently interrogated by the plaintiff until Thursday last (the day on which he was summoned) when he rapped at Mr. Curtayne's house at an early hour, and on that gentleman putting his head out of the window to ascertain the cause of so early a visit, he found Ahern standing at the door. Mr. Curtayne asked him what he wanted, and Ahern replied that he was satisfied to pay the sixpence provided Mr. Curtayne gave him a proper receipt for it (laughter). Mr. Curtayne informed him that he would have nothing to do with him, and he was then in the hands of the law, and he was inclined to leave justice take its course. In conclusion the plaintiff alluded to what he termed the threatening attitude that had been observed towards him by Mr. Bagnell on the occasion of a former application.
   Mr. Roche—I dare say you will admit he is much more indulgent now.
   Mr. Curtayne—You are much more indulgent ; but I have a right to be heard, I have a right to be indulged. I told you yesterday that you had no power to compel Mr. Bowden or his clerk or either of them to appear, unless the party was in custody. My application is now, with great respect, and I do it under the correction of the court, as this case will be investigated, that a warrant be issued, first for stealing of the paper, the property of me—David Daniel Curtayne—whom you all know (laughter) ; and on the second charge for obtaining the sum of sixpence from Mr. Bowden fraudulently and under false pretences, representing himself as my servant. My application is then that you issue a warrant for his apprehension—
   Mr. M'Carthy—Your Worships cannot comply with his request.
   Mr. Roche—Yesterday when you spoke of this case, I made inquiry whether the matter had not been already investigated, and you said it was not at all the same case. I asked whether you could prove it by evidence and you attempted in a manner that I did not understand—
   Mr. Curtayne—Attempted ! (laughter)—
   Mr. Roche—I certainly could not understand you—
   Mr. Curtayne—Well then with great respect you must blame your own understanding (great laughter).
   Mr. Roche—I am very thankful to you for what you have said ; for a lesson in humility is sometimes necessary for every person. I made use of the word attempt, because, certainly I did not understand you, but that may have been my own fault. But I am sure, under all the mass of language which you made use of—
   Mr. Curtayne—Proper, I hope (laughter).
   Mr. Roche—Oh, certainly. But I conceive three lines would have been equally effective in conveying what it was your intention to have said.
   Mr. Curtayne—I might indeed if I were so well educated as you are. I would be delighted to have had such a tutor as you in the early part of my life (great laughter).
   Mr. Bagnell—They are precisely the same cases, as were brought here before.
   Mr. Curtayne—Mr. Roche, you will please to look into the summons you signed yesterday, and that with great respect you will find to be written, a recorded contradiction of Mr. Bagnell's statement.
   Mr. Bagnell—That will be very immaterial—
   Mr. Curtayne—Immaterial (laughter).
   Mr. Bagnell—What is written behind my back cannot convict me.
   Mr. Curtayne (addressing Mr. Roche)—You are bound to believe, sir, what your own senses and your own judgment will convey to you in preference to what Mr. Bagnell would undertake (laughter).
   Mr. Roche—But just now you said I had no judgment (continued laughter).
   Mr. Curtayne—Why if you had no judgment you would be an idiot (renewed laughter). I did not say you had no judgment because you could not find your way back to the South Mall if you had not. A bill of indictment has been found by the Grand Jury—this unfortunate man was put into gaol at 10 o'clock on Saturday night and kept there until 10 o'clock on Monday morning—the bill of indictment was found by twenty-three gentlemen where this gentleman has dismissed the case. The same will probably occur again—so much for the profundity of Mr. Bagnell's decisions—
   Mr. Bagnell—I am perfectly satisfied.
   Mr. Curtayne—I bid you good morning—
   Mr. Feath—Good morning, Mr. Curtayne (laughter).
   Mr. Curtayne—One word, if you please—I have been frequently insulted by a man of the name of Feath who comes here apparently for that purpose.
   Mr. Feath denied that he had done so, and Mr. Curtayne retired.
T H A N K S.
SUBSCRIPTIONS already received, for which the Committee return their best thanks :—
William Fitzgibbon, Great George's St.£1000
William Fagan, M.P., Feltrim500
J. J. Troy, Custom House500
J. J. O'Brien, South Mall300
Mrs. Maurice Lane, Sydney Place100
Mrs. Lynch, Patrick's Hill100
Cornelius O'Leary, Dominick-St.100
Felix Mullan, Patrick-St.100
Walter Murphy, Wellington Road100
Cornelius Keller, Watercourse100
William D. Bourke, Patrick-St.100
Michael Daly, Leitrim100
John Daly, Harpur's Lane100
John Buckley, Malow-Lane100
Patrick & N. M. Stack, King-St.100
Patrick Connolly, Shandon-St.200
John Parker, Summer Hill100
A Friend, by Rev. J. P. Leahy200
A Lady100
His Worship the Mayor100
Patrick Kelly, Leitrim-street100
John Murphy, South Main-street100
J. O'Brien, Patrick-street100
John Simms, Leitrim street100
John N. Murphy, Clifton100
Edmond Keily, Mardyke100
Charles Sugrue,     do 100
Denny Lane, Sydney Place110
J. J. GALWEY, Sec.   
Submitted by dja
The Cork Examiner, 15 September 1847

ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS for the Angelus Bells of St. Mary's Church, for which the Committee return thanks :—
A Friend, per Rev. J. P. Leahy £1 0 0
Patrick Ford, Wellington Road 1 0 0
James Hegarty, Blarney-lane 1 0 0
William Hegarty,       do. 1 0 0
D. and W. Lyons, John-street 1 0 0
Dl. Mahony, Camden-quay 1 0 0
Martin Mahony,         do. 10 0
Timothy Mahony,       do. 10 0
James Daly, Patrick's-hill 2 0 0
George Waters, North Mall 1 0 0
John E. Finn, Patrick's-hill 1 0 0
Burke Brothers, Patrick's-quay 15 0
Honan,      do.           do. 10 0
John Russell, Limerick 6 0
Martin Conway, Wellington Road 5 0
William Madden, Bridge-street 10 0
John Madden,            do. 5 0
J. Carmichael, Patrick Street 1 0 0
John Donegan, Merchant's-quay 1 0 0
Miss C. Lyons, South Terrace 1 0 0
Miss B. Good 1 0 0
Mrs. Michael Dunne 1 0 0
E. Finn, North Main-street 1 0 0
Denis Conor,           do. 1 0 0
Simon Daly,            do. 1 0 0
Michael Sullivan,     do. 0 10 0
Thomas Russel, Mallow-lane 0 10 0
Bernard Sheehan,     do. 0 10 0
James Ronayne, Patrick's Hill 2 0 0
D. Barry, North Main-street 1 0 0
James Lambkin, Patrick-street 1 0 0
Robert Browne, Dominick-street 0 10 0
John Treacy, Grand Parade 1 0 0
John Perry, Patrick-street 0 10 0
John Maguire, Summer Hill 1 0 0
John Murphy, Pope's Quay 1 0 0
D. Mulcahy, North Main-street 0 5 0
Simon Flynn,              do. 0 5 0
——— Reed,            do. 0 5 0
Miss M'Auliff,           do. 0 5 0
Miss O'Regan,           do. 0 4 0
J. Prendergast 0 5 0
Thomas Lyons & Co 3 0 0
Jeremiah Stack Murphy, High Sherriff 3 0 0
Michael Murphy, Lisalee 1 0 0
T. Hayes 0 10 0
Mrs. Daly, Great George's-street 0 5 0
Francis Power, Tuckey-street 0 5 0
A Lady per Miss Mahony 0 10 0
J. J. GALWEY, Sec.   

P O L I C E   O F F I C E—M O N D A Y .
AN elderly woman named Mary White, was charged at the Police Office on Monday morning by her master, Jeremiah E. M'Carthy, Esq., J.P., with having abstracted several articles of wearing apparel, bedding and other articles of value.
   Mr. M'Carthy stated to the Magistrates, that, during his residence in the country, he entrusted to the prisoner the care of his house on the Terrace ; and on his return, he found that the clothes of several of the beds, and several articles of wearing apparel had been removed. The prisoner had admitted to a boy named Kenealy that she had pledged the articles, and that the tickets would be found in the fire place, where they were afterwards discovered. Mr. M'Carthy mentioned that the prisoner had affected insanity, but it appeared that there was method in her madness.
   On the application of Serjeant O'Neill, a respectable looking servant, who had been employed in the house of Mr. Gelston, Adelaide Terrace, was remanded until tomorrow, in order to afford time for procuring further evidence. Several articles of value including a gold guard chain, a silver chain, a gold brooch, and several pairs of silk stockings were missed, a portion of which was subsequently found on the person of the prisoner.

THE Waterford Press speaks in the highest terms of the debut in that city, on Monday evening last, of Miss Maria Hickie of this city. Miss Hickie's performance on the piano, at a concert given by her father on that evening, is said to have been of a most superior style. The pieces were from Bellini, Crouch, Rossini, Thalberg and Czerinay, and though some of them were of the most intricate nature, yet were they performed with an ease and facility which at once astonished and delighted the audience. At the termination of the concert this fair debutante was greeted with the warmest applause.

   On the 2d of June the barque Swan, Captain Robertson, left this port with Emigrants for New York. She arrived at the port of her destination safe and perfectly healthy. On her homeward voyage she fell in with the wreck of the Naiad, Capt. Brightman, of and from New Bedford, bound to the Coast of Africa. Capt. Robertson immediately rendered all assistance that lay in his power, and took Captain Brightman and crew on board, and brought them into this port on Saturday last. The Swan is the property of the Messrs. Scott, of Cove, and every credit is due to Captain Robertson for his humanity and praiseworthy act in saving the crew of the ill-fated Naiad from certain death.
T O   B E   S O L D
IN the Town of Mallow, FIFTEEN HOUSES, leaving a Profit rent of £30 a-year, for Term of Eighty-Five Years' Lease of one part, and Sixty-One Years' Lease of the other part.
   Three of these Houses are in the front of the Street of Ballydaheen, on the main road to Cork ; Twelve more attached to the Rear, forming what is commonly called Sullivan's Square.
   These houses are lately built, in very good repair, and covered with the best Bangor Slate, and, what adds to the encouragement of the Purchaser, is having them all advantageously Tenanted.
   Application to be made to JAMES SULLIVAN, on the Premises.
Submitted by dja

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