The Cork Examiner, 5 July 1847

T H E   P O T A T O  C R O P .
Killarney, July 1st, 1847    
   My dear Mr. Maguire,—Having just heard of your laudable desire to ascertain the state of the crops in this country, I am enabled from personal observation, as well as from the undoubting statements of the Catholic clergyman of this Decanate to inform you that Crops of all kinds, cereal and vegetable, are most flourishing here, and the Potato throughout a diameter of 20 miles does not present a single solitary stalk, on which the most scrutinising eye could discover either blot or blight.
   It is moreover truly cheering to add that the breadth of cultivated land equals, if not exceeds, the average extent.
I remain yours very faithfully,                        
   P.S.—Dysentery, which in winter and spring heaped up mounds of dead bodies, has entirely disappeared, and the fever at present prevalent, is of a very mild type.

Wall v. Wall and Alcock
   This was an issue for the Court of Chancery, directed by an order of the Lord Chancellor, dated the 20th of February, 1847, to try whether the plaintiff was the legitimate or natural son of Mr. James William Morris, the eldest son of the late Mr. George Morris, of Mountjoy- place, in order to enable his lordship to decide on certain proceedings pending in his court for the recovery of a property in the possession of Sir Benjamin Morris Wall, Knight, of Waterford, who retained it on the ground of the plaintiff's illegitimacy. The case for the defence was that the plaintiff's mother, Anne Reilly, was, at the time of her marriage with his father, married to a carpenter named Conway, who was then alive, and who lived up to 1814.
   The Court was occupied for three days in hearing evidence on each side ; and the case did not terminate until a late hour yesterday.
   The jury found a verdict for the plaintiff.
   This case being the last on the list, the court then closed.

   A return has just been made by order of the House of Commons, from the Magistrates of Liverpool, containing a copy of the regulations made by them, in accordance with the fourth clause of the Act 8th and 9th Victoria, c. 117, for the removal of Irish, Scotch, and other paupers to their respective countries. The only portion of the regulations which is worth quoting is that which relates to the expense. It is laid down :—
   “That an allowance shall be made for the maintenance and lodging of each person above the age of ten years of not exceeding one shilling per day.
   “That the passage money (including rations) of each person above the age of ten years, from this port to Cork, not to exceed thirteen shillings ; persons under that age, six shillings and sixpence ; to Waterford, above the age of ten not to exceed ten shillings and sixpence ; under that age, three shillings and sixpence ; to Dublin and Belfast, of all ages, except children in arms, not to exceed four shillings and sixpence ; to Dundalk, above the age of ten not to exceed four shillings and sixpence ; under that age, two shillings and threepence.
   “To Dumfries, Greenock, and Glasgow, above the age of ten not to exceed seven shillings ; under that age, three shillings and sixpence.
   “As the conductor will in all cases be a salaried officer of the parish, the Magistrates do not consider it necessary to make any regulation as to the allowance to him.
   “The fees to be paid for the warrant of removal and duplicate, and the copies of the examinations, are settled by the table of fees to be taken by the clerk to the Justice of this Borough, and allowed by the Secretary of State.”
   At the above rates it will cost us something considerable to get rid of the masses of pauperism with which we are overrun, unless the expense is recoverable from the parties in Ireland and Scotland, who have been so busy in transmitting them to this locality—Liverpool Standard.
   The following arrivals have been entered at the Custom House since our last :—per Henry Bell, from Alexandria, 1200 quarters Indian Corn; Minerva steamer from Liverpool, 300 bags rice, 50 bags flour; per Juverna steamer, from Bristol, 10 baskets cheese; Iona from Philadelphia, 1400 barrels flour, 121 barrels Indian Corn meal, 5295 bags Indian Corn; Harry King from Malta, 850 quarters Indian Corn; Metamora from New Orleans, 115 barrels flour, 4560 sacks of Indian Corn.
   Since our last :—per Ajax steamer for London, 3414 firkins and 55 kegs butter, 12 tierces beef, 484 kits salmon, 35 tierces provisions, 200 sacks wheat, 8 sacks flour, 28 bales bacon, 5 casks hams, 276 boxes eggs, 40 head cattle, 36 calves, 50 pigs; per Juvena steamer for Bristol, 2 casks cheese, 3 barrels biscuit, 25 bales bacon, 99 firkins butter, 325 sacks beans, 69 head cattle, 296 sheep, 236 lambs, 40 boxes eggs, 60 boxes salmon.
Tralee, July 3, 1847    
   DEAR SIR—A malicious report was circulated in this town to-day—market-day—by, I fear, interested parties, to the effect that several potato fields in the neighbourhood were blasted—I made enquiries about it from several farmers, and they all assured me that there was no ground to the rumour, as the crops never looked more luxuriant at this season of the year. Trusting you will give this hasty note a corner in your respectable journal, as the report caused some uneasiness for a short time,
         I remain, dear sir, your obedient servant,

T H E   C O M I N G   E L E C T I O N S.
   THE REPRESENTATION OF DUNDALK.—There is not the slightest foundation in the statement that Mr. R. D. Kane the solicitor to three Irish railway companies, intends seeking the suffrage of the Dundalk electors. Viscount Jocelyn, rumour says purposes contesting the borough, and I have heard it said, I know not with what truth that Mr. D. O'Connell intends retiring from public life.—Freeman Correspondent.
   DUNDALK FRIDAY NIGHT.—In consequence of the determination expressed by the present Member for Dundalk, Mr. O'Connell, not to seek the suffrages of the electors at the ensuing election, Mr. Carroll M'Tavish, who has been recommended to the constituency by the Repeal Association, was invited to become a candidate as a Conciliation Hall Repealer. That invitation was agreed to at a large meeting of the electors on Wednesday last, and has since been accepted by Mr. M'Tavish, who in company with Maurice O'Connell, Esq., and other gentlemen, arrived in Dundalk to-day at one o'clock. They were received with acclamation by a vast concourse of the electors who had collected in the street, opposite Cartin's Hotel. Already Mr. M'Tavish has won the affections of the electors, and at a crowded meeting held in Cartin's Hotel this evening, Dr. Coleman in the chair, which was addressed by Mr. O'Connell, the Repeal Candidate (who is an uncompromising Repealer), Mr. Gartian, Capt. Seaver, and other gentlemen, the electors pledged themselves to return him to Parliament. To-morrow the canvass commences. It is believed there will be no contest.—Drogheda Argus
   TRINITY COLLEGE.—Mr. Napier, Q.C., has addressed the electors of Trinity College. Mr. Napier's politics are high Conservative.
   LONDON ELECTION.—We are happy to announce, that within the next few hours, at least one, and probably two, new candidates, of the highest commercial standing, will be announced, on the Conservative interest, for the city of London.—Morning Herald.
   WEXFORD.—Sir Thomas Esmonde in seeking the representation of Wexford publishes the address of a large number of the constituents to him in 1841, and pledges himself to give his warm support to the question of Repeal, or any other question calculated to raise the character of the country.
Submitted by dja

The Cork Examiner, 14 July 1847

SINCE our last, we regret to say that we have seen a striking indication of blight. A stalk now lies before us, taken from a field in Friar's Walk, belonging to a farmer named JOHN FLYNN. The stalk is completely withered and blackened and smells offensively—in fact, it shews the blight distinctly. Up to last evening the garden, which is five acres in extent, was as green and luxuriant as any crop could be ; but this morning the field was covered over with blackened stalks, and presented a most painful contrast to its former beauty.—Mrs. FLYNN described the garden, yesterday, as being “as green as a laurel.” The field is the highest and most exposed ground in the neighbourhood ; and its position must in some measure account for the blight—for the same is not apparent in the gardens of that locality. The owner of the crop attributes the blight to the dense fog of last night, which had all the appearance of hoar-frost. Happily for him, his crop is an early one, consisting chiefly of “quarries,” which are almost ripe, and which he has been digging for the last week. There is no trace of the disease in the potato, or bulb, it having only attacked the stalk as yet.
   The gentleman who brought us the stalk, pulled it himself from the field ; and it is on his statement that we write. Did we mention his name, it would carry conviction with it.
   Elsewhere, more cheering accounts are given of the crop. We may also add that we have this day received assurances from gentlemen of the best authority, that the fields they know of are still looking most promising.
   May we earnestly request that our readers in all parts of this Province will send us accurate information, with their names attached to the communications.
   Mr. HUNTER, an intelligent cultivator, in Castletownroche, states that all the potatoes in his place are in excellent condition.
   The Rev. JUSTIN M'CARTHY of Mallow gives the most favourable account of the crop in and about Mallow, and from Mallow to Cork.
Examiner Office, 2 o'Clock.   
A REPORTER from our office visited FLYNN'S field, and corroborates the statement of our informant. Father MATHEW saw the field at the same time as our Reporter.
   No other field in the neigbourhood is injured.
Submitted by dja

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