The Cork Advertiser & Commercial Register, 23 May 1815

No. 3 Broad Lane Cork.
Thomas AHERN
Truly grateful for the Encouragement he has met with since his commencement in Business, begs leave to acquaint his Friends, and the Public, that he has just laid in a General Assortment of the most fashionable Articles, all which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms. April 3
Stolen on Friday Last
An entire brown pointer bitch
answers to the name of Juno,
Whoever brings her to J. Busteed,
Patrick-street, will receive Two Guineas reward.

On the 11th inst., at St. Peter's Church, Dublin, by the Dean of Killaloe, Richard Croly, Esq. of the Co. of Cork, to Eliza, youngest daughter of the late Major King, of the Fermanagh Militia.
Submitted by dja

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