Clare Journal Nov 17 1853
In Brighton, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. B. W. Venn, of Cambridge, the
Rev. William Keane, M.A., Incumbent of Whitby, N.R., Yorkshire, son of the
late Robert Keane, Charles, Esq., Beechpark, in this County, to Elizabeth,
second daughter of J. F. Thomas, Esq., Member of Council, and Chief Judge
of the Sudder Courts, Madras, East Indies.

On the 15th instant, at Moymore, by the Right Rev. Dr. Fallon, James R.
Dunne, of Dublin, Esq., to Mary Louisa, only surviving daughter of Mathias
Stacpoole, of Moymore House, in this County, Esq., and granddaughter of the
late Captain John M'Namara, Royal Marines.

Robert Sutton, Esq., of Cork, master of the ship Alexandria Victoria, to
Maryanne, eldest daughter of Mr. M. Sexton, late of Kilrush, and niece to
Mr. M. Haugh, Arthur's-quay, Limerick.

On the 9th inst., at Shepherd Hill, Miltown Malbay, John Morony, second son
of Edward A. Fitton, Esq., Civil Engineer, of Mary-street, Cork.

Clare Journal Nov 24 1853
On the 1st instant, in New York, five days after her confinement, Jane, wife
of William Symmons, Esq., late of Kilrush, and eldest daughter of the late
Patrick Power, Esq., of Lifford House, near this town. It is scarcely a
year since we announced the marriage of this young lady, who is deeply
regretted by a large circle of friends.

Clare Journal Nov 28 1853

The lady of J. Milward Esq., Manager of the National Bank, Ennis, of a son.

Mr. Cornelius Nihill, Grocer, of this town to Sarah O'Donoghue, third
daughter of Martin O'Donoghue Esq.

On Saturday last, Michael Kenny Esq., solicitor, of Freigh Castle, Miltown
Malbay, to Bridget, only daughter of the late William Frost esq., of

On Thursday, at his residence Killone, the Rev. Cornelius O'Gorman, the
respected Parish Priest of that parish. Only six short years have elapsed
since the death of Rev. P. O'Gorman P.P., his brother .........

Submitted by Declan Barron

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