The Belfast News-Letter, 6 December 1799

County Tyrone
    In consequence of efforts that have been made, and misrepresentations that have been resorted to, we whose names are undersigned, and whose stake and interest in the prosperity, the happiness, and the independence of Ireland, our names will ascertain, think it right to declare to our country, our sentiments upon the great subject that has for some time occupied and agitated the public mind; and we prefer this temperate and considerate mode of declaring our sentiments to any other, which might disturb the peace and harmony of the county by contention and irritation.
    Those who think as we do, may upon consideration sign their assent.  Those who think differently may sign different opinions, and it will be for our countrymen to make their own comparisons.
    To the principle of a national Union between this country and Great Britain consistent with the honor, the dignity, and the essential interest of both countries, we cannot conceive any rational objection upon public and national grounds.
    The terms and detail of such an Union are indeed objects of the most serious, well weighed and cautious consideration, and to direct and endure such consideration, not to prevent and interrupt it by premature clamour and prejudice, as it is the duty, so we think should be the wish and effort of every disintered [sic] Irishman.
    Without presuming to enter now into those terms or that detail, we do not hesitate simply to express our opinion and conviction, that upon the basis of the national independance [sic] and equality of Ireland, and the security of Ireland against all the burthens, whether immediate or future, beyond the fair proportion of her present and actual circumstances and situation to those of Great Britain, with particular care that principle shall never be infringed by such future sweeping taxes upon property and income as would tend to level and destroy that fair proportion.
    There can be no remaining difficulties of magnitude sufficient to discourage the prosecution of a measure beneficial in every political and national point of view to the Empire at large, and evidently most advantageous to the trade, commerce, wealth, prosperity and security of Ireland.

Names of the Noblemen, Gentlemen, and Freeholders of the County of Tyrone, who have signed the Declaration in favour of an Union.

[Transcriber's note:  Except for the names of the Noblemen, which appear in the first line of the table below, the list published in the Belfast News-Letter has been altered, in that it has been sorted by surname; the resulting index is Copyright © to Alison Kilpatrick, 2008.]

Acheson, Charles Crosbie, James Hamilton, Robert M’Farland, Walter Ramsay, R
Acheson, J Crosbie, Richard Hamilton, Robert M’Gaw, John Ramsay, Samuel
Ackin, R. Crosbie, Robert Hamilton, Thos M’Gee, Hugh Ramsey, James
Adams, William Crozier, John Hamilton, William M’Gill, Charles Rattegan, Wm
Adams, William Crozier, R. Hamilton, Wm. M’Ginn, John Reily, Alexander
Alexander, And Cubbertson, John Harper, Daniel M’Ginn, Pat Riche, James
Alexander, Jacob Culbertson, And Harpur, William M’Ginn, Patrick Robinson, Francis
Alexander, James Culbertson, Thos Harvey, Robert M’Ginn, Patrick Robinson, James
Alexander, James Cuningham, Wm. Heasley, Robert M’Goffin, Mores Robinson, Jas, [Fintona]
Alexander, Wm Cunningham, G.I. Heatherington, J M’Gork, Michael Robinson, R.
Allan, James Curry, William, jun Henderson, John M’Grew, John Rogan, Francis
Anderson, Wm Daniel, Wm, [Strabane] Henderson, Robert M’Guire, Philip Rogers, William
Arbuckle, John Davidson, James Henderson, Samuel M’Ildowney, A Rouse, James
Armstrong, Alex Davis, James Hill, John, clerk M’Ilroy, James Russel, R.
Armstrong, David Davis, James Hill, Robert M’Ilroy, Joseph Scott, Charles
Armstrong, James Davis, William Hoddock, James M’Intire, Leonard Scott, John
Armstrong, John Davison, Rev J Hoey, William M’Kenighan, Rob. Scott, Robert
Atthill, W., clerk Dawson, Thomas Hood, Robert M’Kenighan, Tho Sheils, John
Barber, James Delany, Patrick Huey, Thomas M’Kerrigan, John Sheridan, James
Barber, John Delap, Rev H, Oma. Hughs, A. M’Kewer, Wm Sheridan, John
Barely, Jos, [Strabane] Denorel, James Humes, James M’Kibbon, Samuel Sheridan, William
Baulay, J., Strabane Devine, Owen Humphreys, D M’Laughlin, G. Shiels, R
Baxter, James Dickson, Wm Hunter, A M’Loghlin, James Simpson, Edward
Baxter, John Dixon, R. Hunter, A M’Loughlin, John Simpson, John
Baxter, Samuel Donaghy, Arthur Hunter, James M’Mahon, Rv E(?), [Fintona] Simpson, John
Baxter, William Donnel, Wm Huston, John M’Menomy, D, [Fintona] Simpson, John
Beard, James Donnell, E Huston, Samuel M’Mitchell, R Simpson, William
Beatty, James Donnell, John Huston, Thomas M’Morris, John Sinclair, George
Bell, Humphry Douglas, John Irvine, Gerrard M’Reynolds, A. Skey, Daniel
Bell, James, jun. Dounes, John Irvine, J. M’Veagh, Arthur Sloan, Robert
Bell, James, sen. Downing, A C, Clk Irvine, Robert Mackey, John Sloan, Wm
Bell, R. Dun, Wm Irvine, Thomas Mackrell, Geo, jun Smith, James
Bell, Robert Dunbar, Robert Jack, Edward Mackrell, George Smith, John
Bell, Samuel Dunlap, James Johnson, A Mahaffy, John Smyly, Andrew
Best, Francis Dunlap, William Johnston, Alex. Mahaffy, Thomas Smyly, Robert
Black, John Eakin, Gabriel Johnston, Christ Mallon, Peter Smyly, William
Blair, William Edie, Nathaniel Johnston, James Mann, James Smyly, William
Blaney, James Edie, William, [Strabane] Johnston, James Mann, William Smyth, James
Boak, H Ekin, Adam Johnston, James Marshall, H., Culogh Smyth, William
Boak, Robert Elliot, Henry N Johnston, James Maxwell, Rev. A. Smyth, William
Bond, Wm Elliot, William Johnston, John Maxwell, Richard Smyth, William
Booth, William Ellis, Edward Johnston, John Maxwell, Richard Spiller, John
Boyd, John Ellis, Patrick Johnston, William Maxwell, Thomas Sprould, Edw, Corrukamulkin
Boylan, Hugh Evans, John Johnston, William Mellan, Arthur Sproule, C, Granam
Boyle, James Fair, Hugh Junk, Thomas Miller, John Sproule, Charles
Boyle, Wm. Falls, James Kelly, Bryan Miller, Samuel Sproule, James
Brien, Owen, [Carrick] Farran, Peter Kelly, Francis Miller, William Sproule, John
Brodley, Tho Farson, William Kelly, H., [Fintona] Mimnagh, John Sproule, Joseph
Brodley, Wm Fear, James Kelly, Owen Mitchell, James Sproule, Robert
Brown, David Feir, Best Kelly, Rev. B, [Fintona] Moffit, Thomas Stanus, Ephraim
Brown, David Fenton, John Kennedy, William Montgomery, James Staples, John
Brown, John Ferguson, William Kenny, Samuel Montgomery, Tho Steele G Stone, [Fintona]
Brown, John Ferguson, Wm Kerr, Alex. Moody, J Stevenson, James
Brown, John Ferris, Edward, [Carrick] Kerr, James Moor, William Stewart, Benj
Brown, John Ferris, Owen, [Carrick] Kerr, Josias Moore, Edward Stewart, H, Clerk
Brown, Joseph Fife, Robert Killgore, R. Moore, John Stewart, H, Clk
Brown, Wm. Fleming, James Killgore, William Moore, N Mont Stewart, Ham
Browne, A Fleming, James Kilpatrick, John Moore, Robert Stewart, James
Buchanan, Alex Fleming, Pat, [Strabane] King, James, [Fintona] Moore, Samuel Stewart, James
Buchanan, Andrew Forgy, Francis King, John Moorhead, James Stewart, John
Buchanan, Anselon Forsyth, Thomas King, W., jun. [Fintona] Moorhead, Joseph Stewart, John
Buchanan, Arch Foster, Edward King, William, [Fintona] Moorhead, W, [Fintona] Stewart, W.
Buchanan, Beaor Fowler, Hon and Rev. Knox, H. Morton, Sam, [Strabane] Stewart, William
Buchanan, Bray Fulton, George Knox, Hon and Rev Edm. Mullin, John Stineern (?), Robert
Buchanan, Eulis Fulton, Samuel Knox, Joseph Murray, W L Stinnon, Charles
Buchanan, Eulis A Galbraith, G., clk. Knox, Thomas Neilson, Jarard, jun Stirling, William
Buchanan, G, Finto. Galbraith, James Laird, James Neilson, Jarard, sen Stoaks, Rev. H.
Buchanan, G, Strart Gallagher, Edward Lamb, Alexander Neilson, Robert Stuart, M.
Buchanan, George Gallagher, John Lamb, Francis Neilson, William Sturrock, Thos P
Buchanan, George Gallagher, Tho Lamb, John Nesbit, John Sturrok, W, L L D
Buchanan, J, Finto. Gamble, Robert Lamb, Wm Nethery, Wm Thompson, John
Buchanan, J, Omagh Gaston, James Law, Richard Nevill, Samuel Thompson, Robert
Buchanan, James Gay, William Ledlie, George Nevill, Samuel Thompson, Wm
Buchanan, P, Tattyr George, Andrew Leitch, John Nimmins, John Toler, John
Buchanan, Robert George, Matthew Leitch, Rev. T Nixon, Andrew Turner, Christ
Buchanan, Thomas Gibson, Andrew Leitch,Robert Nixon, Andrew Turner, James
Buchanan, W, jun. Gildrew, Philip Leviston, Wm Nixon, James Turner, Robert
Buchanan, Wm Gillespy, William Ligert, A Nixon, James Verner, James
Buchanan, Wm, sen Gilmore, James Ligett, John Nixon, John Vincent, Rev. Rob.
Caldwel, T, Carrick Gilmore, John Lindsay, George Nixon, John Wachobe, C.
Caldwell, Andrew Girvin, James Lindsay, Robert Nixon, Robert Walker, Robert
Caldwell, Charles Girvin, James, jun Long, Edward Norris, Joseph Wallace, J.
Caldwell, Edward Given, George Love, John O’Nail, John Wallace, John
Caldwell, J Glackan, Hugh Lyon, Charles O’Nail, Roger Wallace, Sam, [Fintona]
Caldwell, James Gledstanes, W U Lyon, John Orr, John Ward, John
Caldwell, John Gorden, J. Lyons, John Orr, Matthew Warden, Hugh
Caldwell, John Gouldbury, F., clk. Lyons, Joseph Owens, Patrick Wark, William
Caldwell, John Graham, Andrew M’Anelly, James Park, Wm Watson, John
Caldwell, Samuel Graham, Duncan M’Atanny, Chas Patchell, William Watters, John
Caldwell, Tho Graham, J, Clk M’Can, James, [Fintona] Patterson, James Weir, James
Caldwell, William Graham, John M’Cann, R Patterson, John Weldon, Fran
Calhoon, Thomas Graham, John M’Carbey, Hugh Patterson, John Wetheral, Thomas
Calhoun, Hugh Graham, Michael M’Caskey, John Patterson, Wm White, Andrew
Calhoun, James Graham, R, Clk M’Causland, And. Paul, Henry, [Fintona] White, George
Campbell, Hugh Graham, William M’Causland, Thos Pentland, W., Fintona White, James
Campbell, R Gray, A M’Cavill, Thomas Pollock, Charles White, John
Carroll, Hugh Gray, And, [Carrick] M’Cay, James Porter, James White, John
Carson, James Greer, James M’Clintock, John Porter, John White, Matthew
Carson, Joseph Greer, John M’Clintock, Jos Porter, John White, Robert
Carter, Robert Greer, John M’Conkey, John Porter, Robert White, Samuel
Chittick, John Greer, Thomas M’Connell, Hugh Porter, Thomas Wilson, Daniel
Chittick, R Hadden, George M’Connell, J., jun. Porter, Thomas Wilson, James
Chri--, John Hadden, Samuel M’Connell, J., sen. Potter, R. Wilson, John
Church, John Halligan, Hugh M’Cormick, David Pringle, Alexander Wilson, Robert
Clarke, John Hamilton, A T, Clk M’Cormick, Hen Pringle, John Wilson, Thomas
Clarke, John Hamilton, A., clerk M’Crea, John Pringle, William Winning, A.
Clarke, Rev. Rob Hamilton, Audley M’Crea, John Quin, Hans Wirling, George
Clemens, Thomas Hamilton, George M’Crea, Wm Quin, Michael Woodhouse, John
Coadey, William Hamilton, Henry M’Creery, William Quin, Peter Woods, James
Cochran, A, clerk Hamilton, Hugh M’Crodan, James Quin, Wm Young, Daniel
Colhoun, John Hamilton, J, jun. M’Cullogh, John Quin, Wm, jun. Young, H
Conde, John Hamilton, J, N.T. Stewart M’Curry, Hugh Rahtin, James Young, James
Connolly, Arth, [Carrick] Hamilton, J. S., Bt. M’Donagh, James Rahtin, N. Young, Robert
Cooper, Samuel Hamilton, James M’Donagh, Wm Rainey, John Young, Samuel
Corakin, D Hamilton, James M’Farland, J., Strabane Rainy, James Young, Samuel
Cox, J. Hamilton, James M’Farland, James Rainy, R. Young, William
Crauford, Joseph Hamilton, James M’Farland, James Ramsay, Andrew Young, William
Craufurd, Wm Hamilton, James M’Farland, James Ramsay, James Young, Wm
Crawford, C., Tullyv Hamilton, John M’Farland, James, Dunemana Ramsay, James Young, Wm
Crawford, James Hamilton, John M’Farland, John Ramsay, John Young, Wm, [Fintona]
Crawford, John Hamilton, M. M’Farland, Robert Ramsay, R Youngman, Chas
Crawford, William

    And others, to the number of 3000 and upwards, which we have not room to insert.

Submitted by ajk

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